Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/134

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ii6 DE FREYNE 8 Feb. 1877, at the Church of St. John the Baptist, Nice, Laura Octavia, sister of Laurence, 3rd Earl of Zetland, da. of the Hon. John Charles DuNDAS, by Margaret Matilda, da. of James Talbot. She, who was b. II Oct. 1855, at Oran, co. York, and raised to the rank of an Earl's daughter, by royal warrant, 1873, d. 19 Jan. 1881, at Villa de Cessoles, Nice, aged 25. He m., 2ndly, 28 Sep. 1882, at the Church of our Lady of the Rosary, Marylebone Rd., Midx., Marie Georgiana, da. of Richard Westbrook Lamb, of West Denton, Northumberland, by Marie Georgiaiia Elizabeth, da. of Stephen Eaton, of Ketton Hall, Rutland. He d. 22 Sep. 1 9 13, at French Park afsd., aged 58.() His widow was living 191 5. [Arthur Reginald French, ist s. and h., by ist wife, b. 3 July 1 879, at 88 Harley Str., Marylebone; sometime Lieut. Royal Fusiliers.C") He m., 18 Nov. 1902, Annabel, da. of William Angus. Having sue. to the peerage after 22 Jan. 1901, he is outside the scope of this work.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 34,400 acres in co. Roscommon: 4,059 in co. Sligo and 329 In cos. Galway and Mayo. Total, 38,788 acres, worth ^15,231 a year. Principal Residence. — French Park, co. Roscommon. DE GREY OF WREST EARLDOM. I. Amabel, ist da. and coh. ^of Jemima, suo jure, y „ ^ Marchioness Grey [1740] and Baroness Lucas of Crudwell [1663], by Philip (Yorke), 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, was b. 22 Jan. 1751; m., 16 July 1772, at St. James's, Westm., Alexander Hume-Campbell, styled Lord Pol- warth (who was cr., 20 May 1776, Baron Hume of Berwick, and who d, s.p. and v.p., 9 Mar. 1781, aged 30); sue. her mother, 11 Jan. 1797, as Baroness Lucas of Crudwell, under the spec. rem. in the creation of that dignity, and was, 25 Oct. 1816, cr. COUNTESS DE GREY OF WREST, CO. Bedford, with a spec. rem. of that dignity, failing the heirs male of her body, to her only sister, Mary Jemima, Dowager Baroness Grantham (the 2nd and yst. da. of Jemima, suo jure, Marchioness Grey abovenamed), and the heirs male of her body. She d. s.p., 4 May 1833, in St. James's Sq., and was bur. at Wrest, co. Bedford, aged 82. Will pr. May 1833. (^) His death was wrongly reported in the press, 12 Sep. 1913, as having taken place the previous day. V.G. (*>) He disappeared, 19 Feb. 1905, from the Hotel St. Denis, New York, and for some time it was feared that he had been a victim of foul play. After some weeks it was discovered that he had enlisted for three years in the United States Army. He as Captain, and his half brother, George Philip French, as Lieut., in the South Wales Borderers, were both killed 9 May 191 5 in the European War. For a list of peers and sons of peers who fought in this war, see vol. viii. Appendix F. V.G.