Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/138

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I20 DEINCOURT Deincourt, in tail male: rem. to his own right heirs. (*) He m. Isabel, da. of Sir Reynold de Mohun, of Dunster, Somerset,() by his 2nd wife, Isabel, da. of William (de Ferrers), Earl of Derby.(). He d. 6 Jan. 1326/7.0 II. 1327. 2. William (Deincourt), Lord Deincourt, grand- son and h., being 2nd but ist surv. s. of John Deincourt, who was s.and h. ap. of the last Lord, but ^. i; ./>.() The King took his homage and he had livery of his grandfather's lands, 7 Feb. i226/j,(') being then aged 26 and more. He did homage and fealty to the Archbishop of York for his lands in Burnby, 11 Feb. 1326/7.0 On 20 Feb. 1327/8, after the death of Joan, wife of Hamon de Mascy, he obtained possession of the messuage, i^c, in Elmton, above mentioned, (^) as the right heir of Edmund Deincourt, his grandfather. He was sum. for Military Service against the Scots from 5 Apr. (1327) i Edw. Ill to 23 Dec. (1355) 29 Edw. Ill, to Councils from 24 Aug. (1336) 10 Edw. Ill to 20 June (1358) 32 Edw. Ill, and to Pari, from 20 July (1332) 6 Edw. Ill to i June (1363) 37 Edw. Ill, by writs directed WiUelmo de Eyncourt, Deyncourt, or Dayncourt. Appointed a justice, in cos. Notts and Derby, to hear and determine the oppressions (^) Feet of Fines, case 38, file 27, no. 102. Licences, 20 May and 18 June 1 31 7. [Patent Roll, 10 Edw. II, p. 2, mm. 10, 3). Joan had married Hamon de Mascy, of Dunham Massey, co. Chester, in the interval. () Extracts, by St. George, from the Mohun Cartulary, f. 37 v. {^) "Edmundus Dcyncourt." Writs of diem el. ext. 8 Jan. 20 Edw. II. Inq., cos. Notts, Derby, Lincoln, 12, 13, 13 Jan. 1326/7. He held the manor and soke of Blankney and the manor of Branston, co. Lincoln, I fee, the manors of Holmesfield and Elmton, co. Derby, fee, and Granby, co. Notts, fee, of the King in chief. "... predictus Willelmus Dayncourt' consanguineus predicti Edmundi cui predicta maneria . . . virtute finis et licencie predictorum revertere debent ut predictum est heres est ipsius Edmundi propinquior et est etatis xxvj annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, file 102, no. 4). He also held the manors of Duddington, Northants, of the King in chief, by the service of a sore sparrow-havi'k or 2s. a year, and Wooburn, Bucks, I fee, of the Bishop of Lincoln: also i fee in Burnby, co. York, of the Archbishop, per feodum lorice and suit at the Archbishop's court. The escheator in CO. Lincoln rendered account for the manors of Blankney and Branston held of the King in chief as of the Crown by the service of a knight's fee, and for a messuage in the bail of Lincoln held of the King in chief by the service of i^. a year, which Edmund Deyncourt had held for life, " a vj'° die Januarii anno xx"° quo die obiit usque vij diem Februarii proximo sequentem antequam Rex ceperit homagium Willelmi Deyncourt' consanguinei predicti Edmundi." [F.scheators' Accounts, K.R., I, no. 38). {^) This John has been frequently confused with John Deincourt, of Knapthorpe, Notts, and Morton, co. Derby, who d. in 1322, leaving a s. and h., Roger. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, file 72, no. 17). if) Escheators Enrolled Accounts, L.T.R., no. 2, mm. 68, 66 d: Close Rolls, I Edw. Ill, p. 1, m. II; 2 Edw. Ill, m. 36. Joan, abovenamed, d. shortly before 26 Jan. 1327/8. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 10, no. 19). (*) Fori Reg., Melton, f. 577 v. He is there described as "nepos et heres domini Edmundi Dayncourt defuncti."