Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/139

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DEINCOURT 121 committed by the King's ministers and others, lo Dec. I340:(') he was then a banneret. A commander at the battle of Neville's Cross, 17 Oct. 1346, being one of those who were thanked, 20 Oct. following, for their services. C") On 14 May 1347 he was sum. to join the King before Calais-C") He was the principal warder of the King of France when that monarch was a prisoner in England, 29 July 1359 to 24 May 1360, at Somerton Castle, co. Lincoln, (") and afterwards at Berkhamstead Castle, the King being removed to the latter place in Mar. 1359/60, by order of the Council, there being a scare of a French invasion. C) He ;«., before 26 Mar. 1326, Milicent, ist da. of Sir William la ZouCHE, of Harringworth, Northants [Lord Zouche],(*) by Maud, da. of Sir John Lovel, of Titchmarsh, Northants, and Minster Lovell, Oxon [Lord Lovel]. He d. 2 June 1364.Q His widow's (*) Patent Roll, 14 Edw. Ill, p. 3, m. 2d. As a banneret (not as a baron) he received a mark a day for his services. A baron, on this commission, received 20s. a day. [Close Roll, 15 Edw. III,/., i, m. 39). {^) Scottish Rolls, 19 Edw. Ill, m. 2; 20 Edw. Ill, mm. 5, 3: French Roll, 21 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 10. if) King John's removal to Somerton was preceded by a deplorable incident. For certain evil-doers broke into the Castle, tapped the casks of wine which had been placed there for the King's use, drew off [extraxerunt) most of the wine, and left the taps running [fausetta aperta), so that the rest of the wine was lost, in nostri contemptum et grave dampnum ac contra pacetn nostram. (Patent Roll, 33 Edw. 1, p. I, m. 14 d). C^) Indenture by which William Deyncourt banneret, John de Kirlceton banneret, and 3 others, knights, engaged to conduct the King of France from Hertford to Somerton Castle, and there to keep him safely, with 22 men-at-arms, themselves in- cluded, 8 horse-archers, 12 foot-archers, and two warders: taking, as wages, each banneret 41., each knight 2s., each esquire I2d., each horse -archer 6d., each foot- archer 2^-) and each warder 6d., a day: total, 395. a day, and I2d. extra for William Deyncourt to make it up to 4.0s.: to commence the Monday following [29 Jul}]: 27 July 33 Edw. III. The 40s. was afterwards increased to 455. William had 50 marks, and the 4 others had 50 marks between them, as a reward, when they were discharged, 24 May 1360. {Close Rolls, 33 Edw. Ill, m. 21 r and d; 34 Edw. Ill, mm. 38, 35, 33, 30: Patent Roll, 33 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 16). (') Grant and licence for William la Zousche of Harringworth to convey the Castle of Totnes and the manor of Cornworthy, Devon, the manor of Calstone and the hundred of Calne, Wilts, the manor of Meole Brace, Salop, the manor of Hay- grove and two parts of the manor of Bridgwater, Somerset, to himself for life: with re- mainders to William s. of William la Zousche, to John br. of William s. of William, to Roger br. of John, to Thomas, br. of Roger, to John br. of Thomas, to Edmund br. of John, to William Dayncourt and Milicent his wife da. of the said William la Zousche, to Isabel sister of Milicent, and to Thomasine sister of Isabel, in successive tail general: rem. to Hugh de Poynz kt., in fee: 26 Mar. [Patent Roll, 19 Edw. II, p. 2, m. 15). Genealogists have been unanimous in describing this Milicent as a da. of Sir William de Ros of Helmsley. (') " Willelmus de Dencourt' [or de Dencourt]." Writs of diem cl. ext. 7 June 38 Edw. III. Inq., Northants, 2 July 1364. "Et dicunt quod idem Willelmus obiit secundo die Junii ultimo preterite Et dicunt quod Willelmus filius Willelmi filii Willelmi Dencourt' defuncti est heres propinquior ipsius Willelmi et fuit etatis 16