Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/147

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DEINCOURT 129 pardon for all fines, reliefs, isfc, incurred on entering her inheritance. (") She was governess to Edward, Prince of Wales, who on 23 Mar. 1459/60 was removed from her keeping, as being of an age [nearly 6^ years] to be committed to the care of men, and because she was oppressed with grave infirmities of body and sight. (') She ;«., istly, before 3 Nov. i423,() Sir William Lovell, sometimes called Lord Lovell, of Titchmarsh, Northants, and Minster Lovell, Oxon. He ^. 13 June I455.("=) Will, directing his burial to be in the Church of the Grey Friars, Oxford, dat. 18 Mar. 1454 [1454/5] 33 Hen. VI, codicil 5 June 1455 ^""^ another undated, pr. at Boughton, co. Lincoln, i Sep. 1455. {Lincoln Reg., vol. xx, ff. 22V-26). Her dower was ordered to be assigned, 21 Oct. 1455. C) She m., 2ndly (royal lie. 8 Jan. 1462/3, for a fine of ;/,'ioo),(°) as 2nd wife. Sir Ralph Boteler, sometimes called Lord Sudeley, of Sudeley, co. Glou- cester. He ^. J./>., 2 May 1473.0 Her dower was ordered to be assigned, 12 July 1473.(8) She d. 10 Feb. i473/4,() aged nearly 70. (») Pattnt Rolls, 36 Hen. VI, />. 2, m. 2; 38 Hen. VI, /. 2, m. 27. () " Elizabetha nuper domina de Clynton'." Inq., Oxon, Wednesday after All Saints [3 Nov.] 1423. She held at her death the manors of Cogges and Hard- wick, b'c, " in doterp ex dotacione Roberti Grey nuper domini de Rotherfeld' quondam viri sui de hereditate Alesie uxoris Willelmi domini Lovell' et de Holaiid' et Margarete uxoris Radulphi de Cromwell' domini de Tateshale filiarum et heredum Johanne filie et heredis prefati Roberti." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 12, no. 36). See Grey of Rotherfield. On 27 Nov. 1423 the King, having taken the fealty of Ralph de Cromwell, Lord of Tattershall, ordered the eschcators in cos. Oxon and Warwick that, the fealty of William, Lord of Lovell and of Holand, having been taken in CO. Oxon, they should divide into two equal parts the lands which Elizabeth had thus held in dower, and give seizin to Ralph and Margaret, William and Alice, of their purparties. [Fine Roll, 2 Hen. VI, m. 8). (<=) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on William Lovell kt.), Hen. VI, file 158, no. 28. See Lovell of Titchmarsh. (^) Writs de dote aaignanda 21 Oct. {Close Roll, 34 Hen. VI, m. 12). («) Patent Roll, 2 Edw. IV, /.. 2, m. 1 I. (*) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Ralph Boteler of Sudeley kt.), Edw. IV, file 47, no. 58. See Sudeley. (8) Writs de dote assignanda I 2 July. A writ de non intromittendo, of the same date, liberated to her the manor of Fairfield, Wc, co. Worcester, of which Ralph Boteler of Sudeley kt. deceased and Alice his wife surviving had been jointly enfeoffed, 23 Feb. 8 Edw. IV, for a term of 60 years or until their deaths if they should happen to die within the said term [she was 65 and he some years older at the date of the enfeoffment]. {Close Roll, 13 Edw. IV, m. 12). Her dower in co. Warwick was assigned, 12 Sep. 1473. (^h. Inq. p. m., Edw. IV, file 47, no. 73). C") "Alesia Loveir vidua." Writs oi diem cl. ext. 12 Feb. 13 Edw. IV. Inq., CO. Bucks, 20 June 1474. "Et quod Franciscus Lovell' est consanguin/'us et heres ejusdem Alesie videlicet filius Johannis filii ejusdem Alesie et est etatis decem et octo annorum et quinque mens« et amplius et quod predicta Alesia obiit decimo die Februarii anno regni domini Regis nunc xiij°." Inq., cos. Warwick, York, Oxon, Wilts, Lincoln (2), Gloucester, Northants, 26 Apr., 30 May, 28 and 31 Oct. 1474, 15 May, Thursday 18 May, 10 June, and 8 Aug. 1475. Date of death, and heir, aged 17 and more (co. Warwick), 18 and more (cos. York, Wilts), 19 and more