Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/150

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132 DEIVILLE those who, after taking Lincoln, seized the Isle of Ely, 9 Aug. 1266, whence they plundered Norwich (16-17 Uec.) and Cambridge. (") He joined the Earl of Gloucester in London, 11 Apr. 1267, taking up his quarters in Southwark.C") About this time he formed a project to seize the King's person, but the plot failed, having been disclosed by the Countess of Gloucester. (■=) He was admitted to the King's peace, i July 1267, and though he had held out to thelast,('^) he had immediate seizin of his lands and remission of the first year of his ransom.('=) He recovered the manor of Thornton, 20 Sep. 1277.Q Was with the King in the Army of Wales in 1282.(8) He was sum. for Military Service from 17 Jan. (1257/8) 42 Hen. Ill to 14 Mar. (1282/3) 1 1 Edw. I, to attend the King at Shrewsbury, 28 June (1283) 11 Edw. 1, to a Military Council, 14 June (1287) 15 Edw. I, and to Pari., 24 Dec. (1264) 49 Hen. Ill, by writs directed Johamti de Eyviir.(^) He m., istly (pardon for marrying without lie, 5 Feb. 1 275/6), (') before 8 May 1275,0 Maud, widow of James d'Audithelegh, or d'Audelegh, of Audley, CO. Stafford, which James d. shortly before 7 Nov. I2 73.(') He w., 2ndly, Alice. He d. before Oct. I29i.() His widow was living in Oct. 1296.0 2. Sir John d'Eiville, of Egmanton, Adlingfleet, Kilburn, and Thornton, s. and h., by ist wife. He was under age, 21 July 1295.('") He was sum. for Military Service from May (1297) 25 Edw. I to 22 May (13 19) 12 Edw. II, by writs directed Johanni de Eyvill' (with, latterly, (^) Annaks de IVintonia, p. 104: Annales de TFaverleia, p. 371: Cotton, p. 14 1: Rishanger, Chron., p. 44: Trevet, p. 271. {^) Chron. Maiorum London., p. 90: Annates London., V- 11 • f^) Annales de Dunstaplia, p. 245. C^) Hemingburgh calls him " homo quidem callidus et bellator fortis." {«) Patent Roll, 51 Hen. Ill, m. 15. («) Close Roll, 5 Edw. I, mm. 1, 3 d. (s) On this occasion, after fulfilling his own quarantine, he did service for the Archbishop of York, who paid him ;^I00 for his expenses. (Pari. Writs, vol. i, pp. 228, 235: York Reg., Wickwane, p. 325). C") As to the writs of 1264 and 1283 see Preface. (') Fine Roll, 4 Edw. I, m. 29: Close Roll, 3 Edw. , m. 17 d. (J) Fine Roll, I Edw. I, m. 2. See Audley. C) De Banco, Mich., 19-20 Edw. I, m. 97. He held Adlingfleet, Kilburn, and Thornton-on-the-Hill, co. York, ^ fees, and Egmanton, Caunton, and West Mark- ham, Notts, 1 fee, of the Lord of Moubray. He held nothing of the King in chief. (') At which date she was claiming her dower in Thornton and Deighton. (De Banco, Mich., 24-25 Edw. I, m. 60 d). (■°) Patent Roll, 23 Edw. I, m. 12 d.