Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/154

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136 DELAMER Henry (Grey), ist Earl of Stamford, by Anne, 3rd and yst. da. and coh. of William (Cecil), 2nd Earl of Exeter. He d. at Dunham Massey, 8 Aug., and was bur. 9 Sep. 1684, at Bowdon,(*) aged 61. Will dat. I Aug. 1 67 1 [j/V], pr. 4 Jan. 1698/9. His widow d. 4 Jan. 1 690/1, at Oldfield Hall, near Bowdon, and was bur. at Bowdon. Will dat. 6 Oct. 1690, pr. 2 June 1699. II. 1684. 2. Henry (Booth), Baron Delamer of Dunham Massey, s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 13 Jan. 1 65 1/2. He was, 17 Apr. 1690, rr. EARL OF WAR- RINGTON, CO. Lancaster. He d. 2 Jan. 1693/4. III. 1694. 3. George (Booth), Earl of Warring- ton and Baron Delamer of Dunham Massey, s. and h., b. 2 May 1675; styled 'Lov.d Delamer, 1690-94. He d., 2 Aug. 1758, when the Earldom of Warrington be- came extinct.

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-J § "■^ p - -3-. n O ". AM IV. 1758 4. Nathaniel (Booth), Baron Delamer of Dunh to Massey, cousin and h., being 4th but only surv. s. and h. 1770. of the Hon. Robert Booth, D.D., Dean of Bristol, by his 2nd wife, Mary, da. of Thomas Hales, of Howlets, Kent, which Robert, who was 5th s. of the ist Lord by his 2nd wife, d. 8 Aug. 1730. He was b. 1709. Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords in 1765. Hew., 26 Apr. 1743, at Hampstead, Midx., Margaret, da. of Richard Jones, of Ramsbury Manor, Wilts. He d. s.p.s., 9 Jan. 1 770, aged 60, when the Barony of Delamer became extinct, but the Baronetcy [16 11] devolved on his cousin and h. male, at whose death (7 Nov. 1797) it also became extinct. Will pr. Jan. 1770. His widow d. 29 July, and was bur. 9 Aug. 1773, at Hampstead-C-) Will pr. Aug. 1773. V. 1796. I. George Henry (Grey), Earl of Stamford, s. and h. of Harry, 4th Earl of Stamford, by Mary, only da. and h. of George (Booth), 2nd Earl of Warrington and 3rd Baron Delamer of Dunham Massey abovenamed, was cr., 22 Apr. 1796, BARON DELAMER OF DUNHAM MASSEY, co. Chester, and EARL OF WARRINGTON, both of which titles became extinct on the death of his great-grandson, 2 Jan. 1883. See Stamford, Earldom of, cr. 1628, under the 5th, 6th, and 7th Earls. (3) " Of worth and great morals, and a true lover of his King and the estab- lished laws." {Memoirs of Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury). In the political controversies towards the end of Charles IFs reign he supported the " country " or Whig party. V.G. (b) "A lady whose truly Christian life and exemplary virtues made her highly valued when living by all who knew her, and will make her death as generally lamented." {Jnn. Reg. for 1773, p. 172).