Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/160

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142 DE LA WARR at the siege of Carlaverock in July I300,(*) and on the King's service in Scotland in 1303 and I304,() but, with others, withdrew before the end of the war: it was therefore ordered, 18 Oct. 1306, that he should be ar- rested, and his lands taken into the King's handiC") he recovered them, 23 Jan. 1 306/7. C") He was knighted by the Prince of Wales, 22 May 1306, at Westm. He was sum. for Military Service () from 21 June (1308) I Edw. II to 2 I Mar. (1332/3) 7 Edw. Ill, to attend the Coronation, 18 Jan. (1307/8) I Edw. II, to Councils from 8 Jan. (1308/9) 2 Edw. II to 25 Feb. (1341/2) 16 Edw. Ill, and to Parl.() from 26 Aug. (1307) i Edw. II to 25 Aug. (13 I 8) 12 Edw. II, by writs directed Johanni la M^arre, de la fVarre, or le PFarre, whereby he is held to have become LORD LA WARRE during his father's lifetime. He had respite of homage for the tene- ments which he held of the honour of Lancaster, on petition in the Pari, of 15-16 Edw. II.(') In 1336 he was falsely reported to be dead.(') He w., soon after 19 Nov. 1294,(8) Joan, sister and coh., eventually sole h., of "it is not ascertained in wliat manner Rogerus la IVarre the father was barred of his right of tenancy by the curtesy, so as to entitle the son to claim his share of his mother's lands in his father's lifetime." The elementary fact, that Roger had no right by the courtesy to lands which his wife had not lived to inherit, appears to have been out- side the writer's sphere of knowledge. (") With one esquire, from 3 July to 9 Sep., "quo die recessit de exercitu Regis apud Holmcoltram versus partes Anglie." Being paid is. a day. [IVardrohe Jccounti, 28 Edw. I, p. 239). C) Suppl. Clou Roll, no. 7, mm. 4, i: Fine Roll, 34 Edw. I, m. 2: Clost Roll, 35 Edw. I, m. 15. His father had ignored the summons of ID May 1306 to the muster at Carlisle on 8 July following. [Pari. Rolls, vol. i, p. 216). C^) The Sheriff of Rutland, having been ordered, 20 June 1322, to summon him therefor, returned that " est ita languidus et pre nimia infirmatate et diutina vexatus et anxiatus est quod aliquo modo laborare non potest," but will send his son, John. {Pari. IVrits, vol. ii, part ii, p. 594). {^) He was fully qualified, by reason of his tenure of the castle and manor of Ewyas Harold, held of the King in chief by barony. (') He stated that he had been "charge de maladye qil ne pust unquote travailler saunz peril de mort." {Pari. Rolls, vol. i, p. 393). (') On 22 Dec. 1336 Thomas de Berkele bought, for 1,000 marks, the marriage of the heir [Roger] of John de la Ware tenant in chief, a minor in the King's ward; and the wardship of the lands late of John. This grant was cancelled in Aug. 1338, because John, whom the King had believed to be dead, was alive and in health. {Fine Roll, 10 Edw. Ill, m. 2: Close Roll, 12 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 15). As Smyth of Nibley remarks — "A second error by this lord comitted in buying of wardships." («) By his charter, dated at London, Friday before St. Edmund the King and Martyr 22 Edw. I, Roger la Warre gave the manor and advowson of Folkington to John his s. and h., and Joan da. of the Lord Robert Grelle, and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to himself and his heirs. By his charters, dated at London, 10 May 33 Edw. I, and at Wakerley, Monday the morrow of Trinity i Edw. I [/. Edw. II], Thomas Grelle, Lord of Manchester, gave the manor of Portslade and the advowson of Aldrington to John la Warre and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and the manor of Sixhills to the same John and Joan and the heirs of the body of the said Joan. {Inq. p. m. on Thomas la Warre in 1427: see below). By