Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/174

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156 DE LA WARR 22 Edw. IV to 15 Apr. (1523) 14 Hen. VIII. (») Espousing the cause of Henry VII he obtained from that King, 5 Mar. 1485/6, large grants from the estates in Sussex of the attainted Duke of Norfolk, including the honour of Bramber, the forest of St. Leonards, the towns of Horsham, Shoreham, &'c. He was in 1491 one of the commanders in Flanders; aided in sup- pressing the Cornish rebels in 1497; in 15 13 was at the sieges of The- rouenne and Tournay, being made a Knight Banneret at the defeat of the French at Guinegate, known as the Battle of the Spurs, 18 Aug. 15 13. Nom. K.G. 23 Apr., and inst. 11 May 15 10. Attended the King's sister in 1 5 14 at her marriage with Louis XII of France. He m., istly, Elizabeth, sister and h. of Sir John Mortimer, and da. of Hugh Mortimer, of Mortimer's Hall, Hants, by Eleanor, da. of John Cornwall. He »z., 2ndly, Eleanor, da. of Sir Roger Copley, of Roughway, Sussex, by Anne, 2nd da. and coh. of Thomas (Hoo), Baron Hoo and Hastings. He d. II Oct. 1525, and was bur. at Broadwater, aged about 68. Will dat. 8 Oct. 1524 17 Hen. VIII, pr. in the Cath. Church of St. Paul, London, 12 Feb. i525/6.() The will of his widow was dat. 10 May 1536 28 Hen. VIII, and pr. in London 14 Nov. I536.('=) IX. 1525 9. Thomas (West), Lord la Warre, and Lord to West, s. and h., by ist wife. K.B. 29 Nov. 1489, on the 1554. creation of the Prince (Arthur) of Wales. Capt. in the King's army in France, being made a Knight Banneret at Lille, 14 Oct. 1 5 13; Sheriff of Surrey and Sussex 1524-25. He was sum. to Pari, from 3 Nov. (1529) 21 Hen. VIII to 14 Aug. (1553) i Mary. He subscribed in 1531 the declaration to Pope Clement VII urging the King's divorce, receiving a few years later in recompense for that service large grants of monastic lands, viz., Wherwell Abbey, Hants, &'c. He had leave of absence from Pari. 153 1/2 on the ground of poverty. He was nom. K.G. I, and inst. 13 Dec. 1549; Joint Lord Lieut, of Sussex 1551; P.C. 17 Aug. 1553. He m., before 24 Aug. 1494, Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Sir John Bonvile, of Halnaker, Sussex, by Katherine, da. of Sir Robert Wingfield. She, who was aged 21 and more in 1495, and living 1536, d. before him, and was i>ur. at Broadwater. He ^. s.p., at his manor (*) He figures in a bogus list concocted by Dugdale {Summonses, pp. 49 1 -2) as having been sum. to a Pari, beginning 12 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII (really the date to which the Pari, which first met 5 Feb. 1 514/5, was prorogued). As to this list see sub II Lord Willoughby (of Broke). V.G. C") P.C.C., 2 Porche. " Thomas West knyght Lord Laware ... my body to be buried in the Tombe of freestone w'in the Chauncell* of the parishe Churche of Brodwater." V.G. (') P.C.C., 41 Hogen. "Elynour West Lady Lawar' widowe . . . my body to be buried in the tombe w* my lord Thomas Lord Laware my late bedfelowe being in the Chauncell' in and of the parishe Churche of Brodewater in the Countie of Sussex." V.G.