Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/19

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DACRE 3 bap. at Lythe 24 July I300,(^) had livery of divers manors which she and her husband had held jointly, 3 July i^Z^-Q') She d. 10 Dec. i36i.(°) II. 1339. 2. William (de Dacre), Lord Dacre, s. and h., aged 20 and more at his father's death. He was at the battle of Neville's Cross 17 Oct. 1346. () Appointed SherifFofco. Dumfries 30 Jan. 1346/7. () He was sum. to a Great Council, 15 July (1353) 27 Edw. Ill, and to Pari, from 25 Nov. (1350) 24 Edw. Ill to 20 Nov. (1360) 34 Edw. Ill, by writs directed IVillelnio de Dacre or Dacre. He w., v.p.,(^) Katherine, 2nd da.(') of Sir Ralph de Neville, of Raby, co. IDurham [Lord Neville], by Alice, da. of Sir Hugh d'Audley, of Stretton Audley, Oxon [Lord Audley]. He d. s.p., 18 July 1361,(6) and was bur. in (^) " Adhucde tribusseptimanis Pasche. Ebor'. Margareta filia et heres Thome de Multon' de Gilleslond'." Probacio etatis. "... predicta Margareta nata fuit in castro de Mulgreve quod est castrum domini Petri de Male Lacu et . . . est plene etatis et fuit etatis xv annorum ad festum sancte Margarete virginis proximo preteritum . . . eadem Margareta baptizata fuit in ecclesia parochiali de Lyth' que distat de Mulgreve ubi predicta Margareta nata fuit per unam leucam die dominica proxima post dictum festum sancte Mar2;arete." [Coram Rege, Easter, 9 Edw. II, m. 72). (b) C/ose Roll, 13 Edw. Ill, p. 2, w. 25. {^) "Margareta Dacre." Writs oi diem cl. ext. 2 Jan. 35 Edw. III. (Fine Roll, m. 4). Inq., cos. Lincoln, Lancaster, Cumberland, Westmorland, Lancaster, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, after, and Thursday after the octaves of, the Purifi- cation [5, 7, 8, 9, ID Feb.] 1361/2. "Et dicunt quod predicta Margareta obiit x die Decembris ultimo preterito [die veneris proximo post festum concepcionis beate Marie anno . . . tricesimo quinto — co. Lincoln] Et dicunt quod Ranulfus de Dacre persona ecclesie de Prestcotes filius predictorum Ranulfi et Margarete est heres ejusdem propinquior et est etatis xxxvj [triginta — co. Lincoln] annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file I 70, no. 62 — writs missing). (<*) Scottish Rolls, 20 Edw. Ill, w. 3; 21 Edw. Ill, m. 13. (^) Randolf de Dacre and Margaret his wife enfeoffed William their son and Katherine his wife of the manor of Holbeach, co. Lincoln, to them and the heirs of their bodies, &c. [Close Roll, 35 Edw. Ill, m. 14). (') Fifteenth century (about 1450) pedigree of Neville [Genealogist, N.S., vol. iii, p. 107). Harl. MSS., no. 3882, ff. 23 d, i'i3 [31 d, 49]. (8) " Willelmusde Dacre chivaler." Writs of diem cl. ext. 7 Aug. 35 Edw. III. Inq., COS. Cumberland, Westmorland, York, Lincoln, and at Roxburgh, Monday and Saturday after the Assumption, Monday the vigil of St. Bartholomew [16, 21, 23 Aug.], I Sep., and 6 Oct. 1 361. "Item dicunt quod idem Willelmus obiit xviij die Julii ultimo preterito [die Dominica proximo ante festum sancte Margarete virginis anno supradicto — co. Lincoln] Et dicunt quod Ranulfus de Dacre persona ecclesie de Prestcotes frater predicti Willelmi est heres ejusdem Willelmi propinquior et est etatis xxx [quadraginta — co. Lincoln] annorum et amplius." Inq., co. Lancaster, defaced. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 158, no. 63). Inq., co. Durham, Tuesday before St. Michael 17 Hatfield [28 Sep. 1361]. "Ranulphus frater predicti Willelmi est heres ejus propinquior et etatis viginti et unius annorum." [Cursitors' Records, vol. ii, f. 66 [68]).