Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/20

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4 DACRE Lanercost Priory. "Will dat. 29 Sep. 1359, pr. at Rose, 16 Aug. I36i.(^) His wife, or widow, ^. before i Sep. 136 1.^") III. 1361. 3. RANDOLF(DEDACRE),LoRDDACRE,nextsurv. br. and h.,('=) ^. about Oct. 1 3 22.('^) Parson of Prescot,co. Lancaster, 5 May 1346 to 2 Apr. 1275-0 "^^e King took his homage and fealty, 22 Oct. 1361, and he had livery of his brother's lands,Q and again, 8 Mar. 1 36 1/2, and he had livery of those of his mother.(') He was sum. to Pari, from 14 Aug. (1362) 36 Edw. Ill to 4 Oct. (1373) 47 Edw. Ill, by writs directed Ranulpho de Dacre. Though still a clerk, he was appointed a Warden of the Western Marches, 27 May 1366, 12 Oct. 1371, and 25 Feb. 1371/2.(8) He d. intestate,() 17 or 18 Aug. I375,C) if) Carlisle Reg., Welton, f. 39. This " testament " is merely a list of " les dettes qe Mons' William de Dacre doit sour soun aler outre la mere le iour de seint Michel Ian du Roi qore est xxxiij." He appoints his mother and others his "executours de ordeigner pur mes biens et de paier mes dettes et le residu reseruer a ma dame ma mere "; so that his wife was, doubtless, deceased. Her father, as " Seignur de Neuill'," here heads the list of creditors. C") Inq. of that date. See note " g " on preceding page. (■=) Randolf de Dacre and Margaret his wife settled the manors of Irthington, Lazonby, Burgh-on-Sands, and HofF, on themselves and the heirs of their bodies [«V], rem., if they died without heir of their bodies, to William their son [sic'], rem. to Thomas br. of William, rem. to Randolf br. of Thomas, in successive tail general, rem. to the right heirs of Margaret. Writ, 13 July, 17 Edw. II, Inq. a. q. d., Cumberland, Westmorland, Saturday after St. Peter ad vinculo and Monday before St. Laurence [6, 8 Aug.] 1323 (file 171, no. 9), licence 23 Mar. 1323/4 [Patent Roll, 17 Edw. II, p. 2, m. 28); the manor of Dacre was similarly entailed on these three sons, rem. to the right heirs of Randolf de Dacre. [Feet.of Fines, case 35, file 8, no. 24, file 9, nos. i, 2; case 249, file 7, no. i). According to the Close Roll, 36 Edw. Ill, w. 33, reciting the Inq. of 8 Feb. 136 1/2, there was another br.. Piers, between William and Thomas, but he does not appear elsewhere. This entailing of all the estates in the way they would, apparently, have devolved without such entail, is somewhat suspicious. (■*) On ID Aug. 1350, he had a papal confirmation of the church of Prescot, to which he had been instituted three years before, when he was five months under the canonical age. {Papal Letters, vol. iii, p. 397). C^) Coventry and Lichfield Reg., vol. ii, Northburgh, f. 1 19; vol. iv, Stretton i, f. 87 V. (f) Fine Roll, 35 Edw. Ill, m. 17. Close Roll, 36 Edw. Ill, m. 33. (6) Scottish Rolls, 40 Edw. Ill, «. 6; 45 Edw. Ill, ;7i. 2; 46 Edw. Ill, m. 4. He was in consequence ordered to send his attorney, if advisable, to the Pari, of 46 Edw. III. [Close Roll, m. ID d). C") De Banco, Trinity, 50 Edw. Ill, m. 142 d. Roger de Clifford was the administrator. (') " Ranulphus de Dacre." Writs of diem cl. ext. 28 Aug., 49 Edw. in England and 36 in France. Inq., cos. Lancaster, Westmorland, Monday after St. Matthew [24 Sep.] and 24 Sep. 1375. "Et dicunt quod idem Ranulphus obiit die veneris [Sabati — co. Westmorland] proximo post festum Assumpcionis beate Marie ultimo preterita Et dicunt quod Hugo de Dacre miles est frater et propinquior heres predict!