Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/200

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i82 DENBIGH [William Robert Feilding, styled Viscount Feilding, ist s. and h. ap., b. 15 June 1760; M.P. (Tory) for Beeralston 1780-90; for Newport, Cornwall, 1790-96; was cr. D.C.L. of Oxford 3 July 1793; an officer in the army; in 1794 he raised the 22nd regt. of Light Dragoons, being Col. thereof till his death; Major Gen., 1795. He m., 26 Apr. 1 79 1, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Anne Catherine, da. of Thomas Jelf Powis, of Berwick House, Salop, and Moreton Hall, co. Chester. He d. v.p., 8 Aug. 1799, at Newcastle, aged 39. Will pr. Apr. 1800. His widow d. 1 Jan. 1852, at Rossall, near Shrewsbury, aged 80. Will pr. Mar. 1852.] VII. 1800. 7. William Basil Percy (Feilding), Earl OF Den- bigh, i^c, also Earl of Desmond, i^c. [I.], grandson and h., being 2nd() but ist surv. s. and h. of William Robert Feilding, styled Viscount Feilding, and Anne Catherine, his wife abovenamed; i. 25 Mar. 1796, at Berwick House afsd. ; styled Viscount F'eilding, 1 799-1 800; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge, M.A. 18 16; cr. D.C.L., Oxford, 19 Oct. 1835; a Lord of the Bedchamber 1830-33 ;() P.C. 4 Feb. 1833; G.C.H. (civil) 1833; Chamberlain to Adelaide, the Queen Consort, 1833-34; Master of the Horse, 1834-49, to the said Queen, both as Consort and Dowager. He m., 8 May 1822, at Wood- chester, CO. Gloucester, Mary Elizabeth Kitty, ist da. of Thomas (Moreton), 1st Earl of Ducie, by Frances, da. of Henry (Herbert), ist Earl of Carnarvon. She, who was b. 14 Dec. 1798, d. 16 Dec. 1842, in childbed, aged 44, at Eaton Place, Midx. He d. 25 June 1865, from congestion of the lungs, aged 69, at Hampstead, Midx. VIII. 1865. 8. Rudolph (') William Basil (Feilding), Earl OF Denbigh, i^c, also Earl of Desmond, i^c. [I.], s. and h., i>. 9 Apr. 1823, at Woodchester Park afsd.; styled Viscount Feilding till 1865; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge, M.A. 1844; High Sheriff of CO. Flint, 1850. A Conservative. ('^) He m., istly, 18 June 1846, at St. Nicholas, Brighton, Louisa, da. and h. of David Pennant, of Downing and Bychton, co. Flint, by Emma, da. of Robert (Brudenell), 6th Earl of Cardigan. She, who was ^.31 Aug. 1828, (*) His elder br. d. an infant, 23 Mar. 1 792, at Berwick House, near Shrewsbury. C") He voted with the Whigs for Cath. emancipation, and for the Reform Bill, but afterwards became a Conservative. He followed Peel when he betrayed his followers by abolishing the Corn Laws, and in his later years generally supported Palmerston's government. V.G. (■=) This name serves to indicate the gorgeous and fondly imagined descent of this respectable English family from the House of Hapsburg. For the complete exposure of this vain pretension, see J. H. Round's Peerage Studies, p. 21G et seq. V.G. (^) In 1847 he was Protectionist candidate for Cambridge Univ., but he voted, as did the Rom. Cath. peers (whose ranks he joined three years later) for Irish disestablishment in 1868 and 1869. V.G.