Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/216

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198 DERBY of Winchester, formerly Alianore's husband. (*) She d. shortly before 12 Mar. 1 2 80/ 1. C) VI. 1254 6. Robert (de Ferrers), Earl of Derby, s. and to h.,('=) by 2nd wife, b. about 1239. The wardship of his 1266. lands, valued at 2,000 marks a year, was granted, 15 Apr. 1254, to Prince Edward, who sold it in 1257 to the Queen and Pierre de Savoie.C) He did homage and had livery of his lands in 1260, signalizing this event by destroying Tutbury Priory. (*) On the outbreak of the Barons' War in 1263 he seized three of Prince Edward's castles. Q Next year, 29 Feb. 1263/4, ^^'"^ exercitu magna, he captured Worcester, and destroyed the town and jewry.(') In Apr. or May Prince Edward retaliated by wasting his lands and de- molishing Tutbury Castle.Q He absented himself from the battle of Lewes,(*) but, with 20,000 foot and many horsemen, put to flight the royal forces near Chester in Nov. following.C") On 24 Dec. 1264 he was ordered to deliver up Peak Castle to Earl Simon,Q and the same day {») Close Roll, 3 Edw. I, mm. 25, 25 d schedule. It is noticeable that Margaret and Alianore were each the stepmother and the stepdaughter of the other: the Earls, their husbands, having each married the other's daughter. (b) Fine Roll, 9 Edw. I, ;n. 16; Patent Roll, m. 25. {^) By his charter, dated at Tutbury, Monday before St. Lucy [12 Dec] 1261, " Robertus de Ferr' filius et heres nobilis viri domini Willelmi de Ferr' quondam Comitis Derbeye" confirmed to the Church of Tutbury "omnia quecunque Henricus de Ferr' fundator ejusdem ecclesie seu Engenulfus de Ferr' vel Robert de Ferr' et alius Robertus de Ferr' vel Willelmusde Ferr' vel alius Willelmus de Ferr' avus meus seu Willelmus de Ferr' pater meus sive aliquis antecessorum meorum seu uxores eorum vel barones vel milites sive homines eorum dederunt vel concesserunt ecclesie predicte." {Cartulary of Tutbury, nos. 86, 96). (^) Patent Rolls, 37-38 Hen. Ill, /. I, w. 3, />. 2, ot. lO; 41 Hen. Ill, m. 9. (*) " MccLX. Robertus de Ferrariis, recepto prius homagio suo a domino Rege, recepit seisinam terre sue et destruxit prioratum Tutisburie." {Annales de Burton, p. 491). By his charter, dated the vigil of St. Philip and James 47 Hen. Ill [30 Apr. 1263], he took the Abbey of Dale under his protection. {Hist. MSS. Com., 9th Report, part ii, p. 403). (*) Annales de Dunstaplia, p. 224: Rishanger, Z)^ Bellis, pp. 20, 26: Idem, Chron., p. 13: Annales de Wigornia, p. 448: Annales London., p. 61. (8) " Iste verbotenus quin pocius fraudulenter Consuli [Leycestrie] adherens, in nullo hello cum eo contra partem adversam congressus est, nee eciam vocatus in suc- cursum apud Lewes venire voluit; sed tarn viros religiosos quam seculares undique depredando nomine baronum infinita mala perpetravit, parca Regis destruxit eciam post pacem clamatam, et de quadam littera proditoria inter ipsum et marchiones composita, pace aliquantula terre reddita, acusatur [j/V] capitur [et] London' carceri mancipatur." (Rishanger, De Bellis, p. 20, compared with Grig., Cotton MSS., Claud., D6, f. 102). (•») Annales de Dunstaplia, p. 235. (') Patent Roll, 49 Hen. Ill, mm. 26, 22. "Ad predictum parliamentum voluit Rex damnare et ad mortem adjudicate dominum Robertum de Ferrariis Comitem de Derebi propter damna et incendia enormia, que gessit post bellum de Lewes et