Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/217

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DERBY 99 Table of the representatives, for four generations, of Sibyl, sister and co-heir of Walter, Earl of Pembroke, and first wife of William de Ferrers, afterwards Earl of Derby. William de Ferrers=p Sibyl la Mareschale. U) (J) 1 Agnes: J. II May 1290. 2nd w.


de 'escy of Aln- wick and Mai ton: t 22 Oct. 1253. = (2ndw.) Simon de = Reynold Kyme of dc Mo- Kyme: f hun of 30 July Dunster: 1248,/./. <^.2oJan. 1257/8. = Maud = William Basset t" Reynold Kyme of d. 12 FortdeVivon- of Wy- Nov. dc Mo- Kyme: f Mar. ne in Poitou, combe: 1260. hun of 30 July 1298/9 ofChewton: f t3i Dunster: 1248,/./. 22 May 1259. July <^.2oJan. 1241. 1257/8. =Aimery, Vi- comtedeRo- chcchouart in Poitou: living Apr. John de Vescy: William de V'escy: A son: a', s.f. d. s.p. 10 Feb. d. s.p.: 1288/9. 1297. 19 July Aug. 1 241 William de Mohun of Mil denhall: d. 18 Aug. 1282. ' , •: 1" John de 'escy: d. AIianore: = John de Carru M /./. Sep. 1294. b. I Aug Issue of Agnfs failed 1297. b. 7 Dec. of Moulsford: 1282: 6 Feb. d. 26 June 1300/1. 1st w. 1324. John de Meriet of Long Ashton: d. 20 Feb. ^26ly. Nicholas de Carru: d. s.p. 20 June 1324. Henry: d. s.p., v.m. Jc Issue of Isabel failed 1324. Joan: ^.=: Reynold Sibyhi^.^Guy de xzix:d I June 1314. 2nd w. fitz Piers of Blaen Llyfni:^'. 4 or 5 May 1253: living July 1306. Roche- chouart: living July 1306. Mabel :: b. 1255: living Feb. 1290/1. Piers fitz Reynaud of Chewton : d.% Nov. 1322. =j= Roger fitz Piers: d. v.p. = i Aimar d'Archiac /./. 7 Apr. 131 3. ~ —

Foucaud or Fulk, Cicely : 1

Seigneur d'Ar- chiac in Sain- tonge: living in 1294. 1 Foucaud d'Archiac .Johnde Aliens: sold or lost their in England. J6)_ 1257: d. .0 Jan. 1320/1. Beau- champ of Hatch: d. 24 Oct. 1283. John de Be 2 7 July. 2 •336/7- auchamp: /;. 74: d. I Jan. I auchamp: d. 43- John de Be 14 May 13 Sibyl : = Frank de John, s. and=J Bohun of h. ap. of Mid- hurst: d-. Reynold dc Mohun of 14 Sep. 1273. Dunster: dead in 1254. Oct. 1267. = (i5tw.) Ro- bert Aguil- lon of Wat- ton and Perching: d 15 Feb. 1285/6. T Agatha:: Hugh de d. 22 May 1306. Mortimer ofChel- marsh: dead in June 1275. John de Bohun: d. 28 Sep. 1284. John de Mohun: d. I I June I 279. 1 Henry de Mortimer: d. 26 Sep. I 317. r James de Bohun: b. 3 Feb. I 280/1 : I 30 May i 306. John de Bohun : ^. 1 4 Nov. 1301 : d. 5 Dec. 1367. John de Mohun: d. zl Aug. 1330. John de Mohun: d. v.p. Hugh de Mortimer: b. 1 Aug I 286: a'. 1 1 or I 2 July 1 372. Alia-iWilliam de nore: 'aux of Thars- f 26 ton and Wisset: Oct. f 5 Dec. 1252, 1274, /./. /./.A (3rd w.) Roger deQuency.Earl of Winchester: <j'.2 5 Apr. I 264. A(2ndw.) Roger de Leyburne of Elham: f S Nov. I 271. I~ Henry dc Morti; d. 7 July I 36 1. s.p. 7 Dec. I 391. Hugh: d. s.p. 21 July 1403 The symbol t is an abbreviation for " died shortly before. TTT-n -— n , Hugh 1 Margaret :</.;./. James d. Joan.= Thomas I,. • Edmund a Roger ]