Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/22

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6 DACRE bur. in Melrose Abbey), da., perhaps, of Sir John Maxwell, of Carlaverock, CO. Dumfries.(') ' She d. before i Jan. i36()/-jo.Q') He d. 24 Dec. I383,('=) and was i>ur. in Lanercost Priory. V. 1383. 5. William (de Dacre), Lord Dacre, s. and h., aged 26 and more at his father's death. ('^) He had livery of his father's lands, 19 Mar. 1383/4, his homage and fealty being respited. (") He was sum. for Military Service, 13 June (1385) 8 Ric. II, and to Pari, from 3 Mar. (1383/4) 7 Ric. II to 5 Nov. (1397)21 Ric. II, by writs directed Willelmo de DacreJ^ He is said to have »j. Joan Douglas.(s) He m. Mary. He d'. 20 July I399,() and was ^«r. in Lanercost Priory. Dower was ordered to be assigned to his widow, 3 Oct. 1399.C) "The Countess of Douglas out of her hour she came, And loudly there that she did call, ' It is for the Lord of Liddisdale That I let all these tears down fall.' " (*) Scots Peerage, vol. vi, pp. 342, 473. But there is nothing really known about her parentage. The record as on p. I, note " d," calls her Elizabeth Maxwell. (b) De Banco, Mich., 44 Edw. Ill, m. 36. (■=) " Hugo de Dacre chivaler." Writs of diem cl. ext. 8 Jan. 7 Ric. II. [Fine Roll, m. 5). Inq., Cumberland, Westmorland, 3, 6 Feb. 1383/4. "Et dicunt quod dictus Hugo de Dacre chivaler obiit die Jovis proximo ante festum Natalis domini ultimo preteritum . . . Et dicunt quod Willelmus de Dacre est filius et heres propinquior predict! Hugonis filii Ranulphi de Dacre et Margarete uxoris ejus et est etatis xxvj annorum et amplius." (Exch. Inq. p. m.. Enrolments, no. 232). The Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 31, no. 30, are defaced, and the writs missing. Similar writ, I Feb. 7 Joh. (Duchy of Lancaster, Chancery Roll 3, no. 79). C') In the Scrope and Grosvenor controversy he deposed, 19 Oct. 1386, that he was 27 years of age, armed 4 years, and knighted at Dumfries. (') Fine Roll, 7 Ric. II, w. 12. (*) Seven summons to Pari., and two notices of prorogation, addressed to him, issued after his death, viz. from 19 Aug. 23 Ric. II to 24 Nov. 5 Hen. IV. He had absented himself from the Pari. sum. 1 7 Dec. 1 1 Ric. II, in nostri contemptum manifestum [Close Roll, m. 13 d), and was excused attendance 12 Ric. II, as he was engaged in the defence of the Scottish Marches. (Close Roll, m. 42 d). («) Record as on p. i, note " d." Genealogists add that Joan was illegit. da. of James, Earl of Douglas. But if so (and if she were the mother of the heir), this worthy, b. about 1358, would have been a grandfather at the age of 29, or thereabouts. (^) "Willelmus Dacre chivaler." Writs oi diem cl. ext. 18 Aug. 23 Ric. II. Inq., Cumberland, Westmorland, Saturday before and Thursday after the Nativity of the Virgin [6, 11 Sep.] 1399. "Et dicunt quod idem Willelmus obiit vicesimo die Julii ultimo preterito Item dicunt quod Thomas de Dacre filius predict! Willelmi est ejus propinquior heres et est etatis duodecim annorum et erit etatis tresdecim annorum in crastino apostolorum Symonis et Jude proximo futuro." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 109, no. 18). Dugdale accidentally stated that William d. in 22 Ric. II, and the mistake has remained uncorrected hitherto. (') Writ de dote assignanda " Marie que fuit uxor Willelmi de Dacre chivaler defuncti," 3 Oct. {Close Roll, i Hen. IV, p. I, m. 37).