Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/244

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226 DERWENTWATER 1731- 5. Charles Radclyffe, who, but for the attainder, would have been Earl of Derwentwater, ^c, and who so styled himself, uncle and h. male, being 3rd and yst. s. of the 2nd Earl. He was k 3 Sep. 1693, at Little Parndon, Essex. He joined the Jacobite Rising, and with his br., the Earl, surrendered himself prisoner 13 Nov. 171 5, and was found guilty of high treason. His extreme youth (22 years) would probably have procured his pardon, but on II Dec. 17 16, he (with 13 others) escaped from Newgate and joined the Stuart family on the Continent, where he became Sec. to Prince Charles Edward. He »;., 24 June 1724, at St. Mary's, Brussels, Charlotte Maria,Q suo jure Countess of Newburgh [S.], who, in 1694, had sue. her father Charles (Levingston), 2nd Earl of Newburgh [S.], in that dignity, and who was widow of the Hon. Thomas Clifford. At the Rising of 1745 he embarked for Scotland (doubtless to join the "Chevalier," though of this fact no proof was obtained), but the ship being captured off Deal, he was brought prisoner to the Tower of London. In November 1746 he was condemned to death under his fonner sentence of some 30 years before, in spite of the gen. pardon of 1 7 1 6 and, though owing to the attainder, he was not legally a Peer, he was (as such) beheaded (like his brother 30 years earlier) on Tower Hill, 8, and bur. II Dec. 1746, at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields,() aged ^t,. His widow, the Countess of Newburgh [S.], d. 4 Aug. 1755, in London, and was bur. with him. M.I. Will dat. 25 Apr. 1751, pr. 12 Jan. 1756. VI. 1746. 6. James Bartholomew Radclyffe, who, but for the attainder, would have been Earl of Derwent- water, s. and h., b. 23 Aug. 1725; sue. his mother as Earl of Newburgh, fife. [S.], on 4 Aug. 1755. He ^. 2 Jan. 1786, aged 60. For fuller particulars see "Newburgh," Earldom of [S.], er. 1660, sub the 4th and 5th Earls. VII. 1786 7. Anthony James (Radclyffe), Earl of New- to burgh, &c. [S.], who, but for the attainder, would 1 8 14. have been Earl of Derwentwater, only s. and h., b. 20 June i"] Sl-(f) He d. s.p., 29 Nov. 18 14, aged 57, C) He is said "to have urged his suit fifteen times without success, and then to have adopted the expedient of entering the lady's apartment by way of the chimney (the incident is represented in a curious picture at Thorndon)." [Diet. Nat. Biog.). V.G. C") He and the Earl, his br., are said not only to have lost their lives, but upwards of j^300,ooo in money value, in the Stuart cause. ("=) In 1788 the long pending claim to the Derwentwater estates (which by entail had been preserved from entire forfeiture) was compromised by Act of Pari., and the property was vested in trust for Greenwich Hospital, while an annuity of ^2,500 was granted to Lord Newburgh and the heirs male under the entail.