Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/305

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DESPENSER 287 DESPENSERO Sir Adam le Despenser,() of King's Stanley and Leckhamptnn, CO. Gloucester, Rollright and Ewelme, Oxon, Oldberrow, co. Worcester, Barrow-on-Humber, co. Lincoln, and Burgham, Surrey, s. and h. of Sir Thurstan le Despenser, of Stanley, Leckhampton, lyc. (who d. shortly before 3 Sep. I249),('=) by Lucy, his wife.('*) He was a minor at his father's death. He took the part of the Barons against the King, and was made prisoner by Roger de Mortimer at the capture of Northamp- ton, 5 or 6 Apr. I264.() His lands were given to Roger de Leyburne, 26 Oct. I265.(*') He was pardoned, 29 June I267,() and redeemed his lands forj^500.(^) He was in the Army of Wales with Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, in June 1277.0 ^^ ^^^^ sum. for Military Service from 18 July (1257) 41 Hen. Ill to 14 Mar. (1282/3) i i Edw. 1, to a (») This article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. (•") This family of Despenser took their name from the office of Dispensator Regis. In an Assize Roll of date 122 I (no. 2J1, m. 14) it is stated that " Thurstanus Despenser tenet centum solidatas tcrrc per serjantiam quod sit dispensntor domini Regis." His seal, depicted in Co!/. Top. ft Gen., vol. iv, p. 239, bears on a shield, Ermine, a chief [there is no authority for the tincture]: with the legend, sigill' TWRSTANI DISPENSATORIS REGIS. (■=) Patent Roll, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 3. Thurstan had a confirmation of King's Worthy, Hants, and King's Stanley, co. Gloucester, 3 Feb. 1228/9 {Charter Roll, 13 Hen. Ill, p. I, m. 13), and was s. and h. of Aymer, Dispensator Regis, by his 2nd wife, Alda Bloet (Charter in Coll. Top. et Gen., vol. iv, p. 240). Aymer had m., istly, before Tuesday before St. Margaret 32 Hen. II [15 July 1 186], Amabel (who had Dallington, Northants, in free marriage), da. and coh. of Walter de Chesney, by Eve, da. and h. of Eustace de Broc. By Amabel (called Maud in the Note Book) he had a da. and h., Julian, who m., istly, William Bardolf, 2ndly, Piers de Stokes (who d. s.p.), and, 3rdly, Geoffrey de Lucy, to whom she brought the manor of Dallington. (Harl. MSS., no. 1885, f. 22: Cartulary of Eynsham,-o. i, nos. 81-83: Curia Regis, roll no. 16, m. 3: Pipe Roll, 8 Ric. I, Norhamt': Bracton, Note Book, no. 1336: Fine Roll, 9 Job., m. 9). Aymer had a confirmation of Worthy and Stanley, 24 Apr. 1204 [Charter Roll, 5 Joh., m. 7), and was br. and h. of VValter, Dispensator Regis (s. and h. of Thurstan), to whom Henry II granted the lands of Worthy and Stanley for his homage and service, rendering therefor a pair of gilt spurs or 12a'. a year, to hold by the service of ^ a knight's fee. [Cart. Antiq., no. 28). It is highly probable that the last-named Thurstan was s. or grandson of Hugh, Dispensator Regis in 1 105, which Hugh had a wife named Hawisc, and was s. of Thurstan, or Turstm, Dis- pensator to William II. [Chron. of Abingdon, vol. ii, pp. 37, 125-127, 159). C^) On 18 Sep. 1249 she was given the manor of Ewelme to hold till her dower was assigned. [Close Roll, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 3). Adam mentions his mother Lucy and his wife Lucy in a charter to Thornton Abbey. [Inspeximus on Charter Roll, 29 Edw. I, m. 7). («) Patent Rolls, 48 Hen. Ill, p. l, m. 13 d; 49 Hen. Ill, m. 16; 51 Hen. Ill, m. 14 d; 52 Hen. Ill, m. 28; 5 Edw. I, m. 10: Charter Roll, 49 Hen. Ill, m. 2.