Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/307

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DESPENSER 289 1349)50 by Joan, da. (most probably) of Sir John de Cobham, of Cobham, Kent [Lord Cobham]. C") He was b. and hap. i8 Oct. 1342, at Gedney.(°) The King took his fealty, and he had livery of his father's lands, I Dec. 1363, his homage being respited. ('^) He accompanied the Duke of Lancaster in his expedition to Brittany in I378.() He was sum. to Pari, from 17 Dec. (1387) 1 1 Ric. II to 3 Oct. (1400) 2 Hen. IV, by writs directed Philippo le Despenser, whereby he is held to have become LORD LE DESPENSER, but none of his descendants were ever sum. to Pari, in (») " Philippus le Despenser." Writs of diem cl. ext. 18 Sep. and writ of amotus (co. York) 3 Nov. 23 Edw. in England and 10 in France. Inq., co. Lincoln, Holderness, cos. Essex, York, 4 Oct., Thursday 8 Oct., Friday before All Saints [30 Oct.] 1349, and Tuesday before St. Hilary [12 Jan.] 1349/50. "Item dicunt quod idem Philippus obiit xxij° [xxiij° — co. rori] die Augusti ultimo preterito et quod Philippus filius predicti Philippi est heres ipsius Philippi propinquior et est etatis septem annorum etamplius [erit etatis septem annorumad festum sancte Lucie virginis proximo futurum — Holderness'].'" (Ch. Inq. p. ot., Edw. Ill, file 96, no. 22). The subject of these inquisitions was s. and h. of Philip le Despenser (who d. 24 Sep. 13 13 — Escheators" Accounts., K.R., 3, no. 15), by Margaret {b. 12 May 1294 at Whittington, Salop, and hap. there; (^. 29 July I 349), da. and h. of Ralph de Gousille, from whom this family inherited Goxhill and the other manors mentioned above. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 69, no. 12; Edw. II, file 6, no. 12, file 34, no. 5; Edw. Ill, file 96, no. 21). See also Gousille, and Ros of Watton. The last-named Philip was yr. s. of Hugh le Despenser the elder {Close Rolls, 6 Edw. II, m. 21; 20 Edw. Ill, p. i, m. 25 d; 21 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 6), not, as usually stated, of Hugh the younger. His father gave him the manors of Partington, co. York, and Alkborough, co. Lincoln, and the goods and chattels therein, by letters patent dated the day of St. John the Baptist 22 Edw. I [24 June 1294]. {Ancient Deeds, A, no. 3185). (*") In the genealogies of this family it is stated, on the authority of Vincent (10, p. 312, in the College of Arms), that this Joan was "Joan Strange," and that her son, Philip, m. " Margaret Cobham." But the said Philip's wife was named Elizabeth, and it appears from the Close Rolls (13 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 37 d; cf. 21 Edw. Ill, />. i,m. I 2d) that Philip le Despenser (who ?;i. Joan), and John de Cobe- ham, son of Henry, were arranging a marriage in June 1339. The Philip who d. in 1 40 1 left a frontal charged with his own arms and those of the Lord of Cobham to Goxhill Church. Joan was about to take the vow of chastity, 20 Jan. 1349/50 {York Reg., Zouche, f. 43V), and d. shortly before 1 5 May 1357 {Fine Roll, 3 1 Edw. Ill, m. 14; Patent Roll, p. 2, m. 23). (■=) Writ de etate probanda 30 Oct. 37 Edw. III. " Probacio etatis Philippi filii et heredis Philippi le Despenser defuncti," Spalding, Thursday after St. Martin [16 Nov.] 1363. "... predictus Philippus filius Philippi fuit etatis viginti et unius annorum et amplius die Jovis [/. Mercurii] in festo sancti Luce Ewangeliste anno regni regis E. nunc xxxvij° eo quod idem Philippus filius Philippi natus fuitapud Gedeneye in die sancti Luce Ewangeliste anno regni regis E. nunc xvj° et in ecclesia ejusdem ville baptizatus hora vesperarum." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 1 80, no. 93). C^) Close Roll, 37 Edw. Ill, m. . A writ de non molestando to the Chancellor, the Bishop of Ely, dated 14 Apr. (1364) 38 Edw. Ill, states that the King took the homage of Philip, s. and h. of Philip le Despenser deceased, on that day. (Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 398, no. 26293). There is a similar writ, of the same date, to the escheator in co. Lincoln. {Close Roll, 38 Edw. Ill, m. 24). («) French Roll, i Ric. II, p. 2, m. 4. 37