Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/308

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290 DESPENSER respect of this Barony. He was one of the Lords who swore on the altar of the shrine of St. Edward at Westm., 30 Sep. 1397, to maintain all the statutes, ^c, made in the preceding session of Parl.(*) He m. Elizabeth. She d". before him, and was i>ur. in the Abbey of Newhouse, co. Lincoln. He d. 4 Aug. 1 40 1, at Goxhill,() aged 58. Will dat. at Goxhill, i Aug. 1 40 1, no probate.(') 2. Sir Philip le Despenser, of Goxhill, Camoys Manor, &'c., s. and h., aged 36 and more at his father's death. He was knighted before 12 May 1385. () He had livery of his father's lands, 14 Sep. 1401, his homage being respited, and his fealty being ordered to be taken by the Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds. ('=) He m. Elizabeth, 3rd da. and coh. of Sir Robert de Tibetot, of Nettlestead, Suffolk, Langar, Notts, {sfc. [Lord Tibetot], by Margaret, da. of Sir William Deincourt (s. and h. ap. of Sir William Deincourt, of Blankney, co. Lincoln [Lord Deincourt]). The King took his fealty for his wife's purparty of her father's lands, 23 Nov. 1385.0 She, who was ^. in 1371, in co. Notts, ^. before him, and was hr. in the Church of the Grey Friars at Ipswich. (*) He d. s.p.m., 20 June i^i^.Q') {») Pari. Rolls, vol. iii, pp. 355, 356. He had absented himself from the first Pari, to which he was summoned, in nostri contemptum manifestum. [Close Roll, II Ric. II, m. 13d). C") "Philippus le Despenser chivaler." Writs oi diem cl. ext. 8 Aug. 2 Hen. IV. Inq., COS. Lincoln, York, Essex, Saturday after St. Bartholomew [27 Aug.], Saturday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, and Saturday after the Nativity of the Virgin [3, 10 Sep.] 1401. "Etdicunt quod dictus Philippus le Despenser obiit [apud Gouxhiir in comitatu predicto — co. Lincoln] quarto die August! ultimo preterito Et dicunt quod Philippus le Despenser junior est filius et heres propinquior predicti Philippi le Despenser defuncti et est etatis triginta sex annorum et amplius." (Ch. Ing. p. m., Hen. IV, file 23, no. 44: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 75, no. 8, and Enrolments, no. 366). (■=) Lincoln Reg., vol. xiii, f. 38. " Philippus le Despenser . . . corpus meum ad sepelliendum in ecclesia sancti Marciali de Newhous' inter dominam materteram meam ex una parte et Elizabet' uxorem meam ex altera." (d) Patent Roll, 8 Ric. II, p. 2, m. 12. («) Fine Roll, 2 Hen. IV, m. 8. On which day the escheators were ordered to divide the lands late of Robert de Tybetot chr. deceased into three equal parts, and to give to his three daughters and coheirs and their husbands livery of their purparties. Elizabeth's age had lately been proved before the escheator in co. Notts. {Close Roll, 9 Ric. II, m. 29). Her purparty included the manors of Nettlestead and Barrow, Suffolk, Chatham, Kingston, and Sibton, Kent, Lindsell and Little Stambridge, Essex, and Marston, co. Lincoln. (e) Weever, Fun. Mon. (edit. 1767), p. 487. C") " Philippus le Despenser miles." Writs of diem cl. ext. 26 June 2 Hen. VI. Inq., cos. Essex, York, Lincoln, city of London, cos. Suffolk, Kent, Thursday after St. Peter ad vinculo [3 Aug.], 10, 12 Aug., i Oct., Wednesday after St. Michael, and Monday before SS. Simon and Jude [4, 23 Oct.] 1424. "Et dicunt ulterius quod predictus Philippus obiit vicesimo die Junii ultimo preterito . . . Et quod predicta