Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/311

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DESPENSER 293 the manor-house at Deighton, co. York),(^) EHzabeth, sister and coh. of George, sometime Duke of Bedford, and 2nd da. of John (Nevile), Marquess IVIountague, by Isabel, da. and h. of Sir Edmund Ingaldes- THORPE, of East Rainham, Norfolk, Somerton, Suffolk, i^c. She had ;«., istly, Thomas (Scrope), Lord Scrope of Masham and Upsall, who d. 23 Apr. I493,() and was bur. in the Church of the Black Friars by Lud- gate: and whose will was dat. at London, 20 Sep. (1492) 8 Hen. VII, commission for admon. dat. 6 May 1495. {X°^^ ^^S-> Rotherham, f. 84V). Sir Henry Wentworthe was bur. in Newhouse Abbey. Will dat. 1 7 Aug. 1499 14 Hen. VII, pr. 27 Feb. 1 500/1. (') His widow d. s.p.s., in Sep. I5I7>C) and was bur. at the Black Friars' afsd. Will dat. 7 Mar. (1513/4) 5 Hen. VIII, confirmed 3 Oct. (1516) 8 Hen. VIII, codicil 13 July (15 1 7) 9 Hen. VIII, pr. at Lambeth, 9 Dec. 1521.C) (») Tori Reg., Rotherham, f. 82 v. () Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Thomas Scrope of Upsall kt.), II, vol. 9, nos. 55, 71, 78; vol. 10, no. 82. See Scrope of Masham and Upsall. (') P.C.C., 20 Moone. "Syr Henry Wentworth' knyght . . . my body to be buried att the pleasur' of allmighti god." ("*) "Elizabetha Scrope vidua nuper uxor Thome Scrope de Upsall' militis." Writ of diem cl. ext. 10 Oct. 9 Hen. VIII. Inq., Essex, I June 15 18. " . . . et eadem Elizabetha Scrop' vidua obiit vij" die Septembris anno regni dicti domini Regis nunc nono . . . Et uherius dicunt . . . quod Margareta Mortymer vidua Lucia Broun' vidua due sorores predicte Elizabethe Scrop' vidueac Anna Fortescu uxor Adrian! For- tescu militis et Johannes Huddelston' duo consanguinei predicte Elizabethe Scrop' vidue videlicet predicta Anna filia et heres Anne tercie sororis predicte Elizabethe Scrop' vidue et dictus Johannes Huddelston' filius et heres Isabelle iiij'* sororis ejusdem Elizabethe sunt propinquiores et heredes predicte Elizabethe et quod quilibet predictorum Margarete Mortymer Lucie Broun' Anne Fortescu et Johannis Huddelston' sunt etatis xxiiij"^ annorum et amplius." Inq., co. Leicester, 21 Oct. 151 8. "Et ulterius . . . dicunt quod predicta Elizabetha . . . obiit primo die Septembris anno regni dicti domini Regis nunc nono." Heirs as before, except that for Anne Fortescue is substituted " Margareta Fortescue et Francisca Fortescue filie et heredes Anne Fortescue tercie sororis predicte Elizabethe Scrop' [where the words, " filie et heredis Anne Stonor," should be inserted before " tercie " to make the statement correct] . . . Et quod predicta Margareta Fortescue est etatis xiiij annorum et amplius Et quod dicta Francisca Fortescue est etatis trium mensium et amplius." Inq., co. Lincoln, 21 Oct. 1 5 18. "Et quod predicta domina Elizabetha Skroopp' obiit vicessimo die Septembris anno regni Regis Henrici octavi nono Et quod Ricardus Wentworth miles est heres propinquior et est etatis triginta octo annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 33, nos. 73, 121: Exch. Inq. p. m., II, file 303, no. 13; file 552, no. 5; file 1 1 24, no. 11). C) P.C.C.y 19 Maynwaryng. "Elisabeth Lady Scrop' of Upsale and Massam wedow . . . my bodye to be buried in the black friers in London beside my lorde my hosbonde Thomas late Lorde Scrop' of Upsale and Massam and if it so be that I die in London or nere unto London so that I may be caried unsered convenyently unto the saide friers . . . Item I will . . . over my grave ... a stone w' iij ymag' that is to saie the one of my saide lorde my husbonde the other of myself the thirde of my saide doughter [Alis] and our armys in the saide stone and scripture making mencion what