Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/319

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DEVEREUX 301 3. Joan Devereux, sister and h., aged 17 and more at her brother's death. She m., istly, Sir Walter FitzWauter, sometimes called Lord FitzWauter, of Woodham Walter, Essex. They had livery of her inheritance, w'z., the manor of Dinton, 2 Aug. 1397, his fealty therefor being ordered to be taken by the escheator in co. Bucks. (*) He, who was b. in Sep. 1368, at Henham, Essex, d. 16 May i4o6,() aged 37. Will, directing his burial to be in the Church of Henham, dat. at York, 20 July 1408 [sic], never proved. {Lambeth Reg., Arundel i, f. 224 r and v). On I July 1407 she had royal lie. to marry whom she would, for a fine ot j^"40.() She m., 2ndly, before 29 Jan. 1407/8, when her dower (of her 1st husband's lands) was ordered to be assignedjC*) as 3rd wife. Sir Hugh BuRNELL, of Holgate, Salop, Weoly, co. Worcester, i^c. [Lord Burnell], who d'. 27 Nov. I420,(*) and whose will, dat. at Weoly, 2 Oct. 141 7, was pr. in the Palace of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 6 Feb. 1420/1.0 She, for whom Robes of the Order of the Garter were ordered to be provided in 1399 and 1409,^. 10 or 11 May 1409, («) and was bur. in Dunmow Priory. tt Fine Roll, 21 Ric. II, m. 32. (») Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Walter FitzWauter kt.), Hen. IV, file 60, no. 67. See FitzWalter. (') Patent Roll, 8 Hen. IV, p. 2, m. 6. C*) Writs de dote assignanda 29 Jan. 9 Hen. IV, and of amotui 12 Feb. ID Hen. IV, in all of which she is described as wife of Hugh Burnell chr. {Ckie Rolh, 9 Hen. IV, m. 27; 10 Hen. IV, m. 23). (^) "Hugo Burnell' chivaler." Writs oi diem cl. ext. 29 Nov. 8 Hen. V. Inq., Kent, Northants, Bristol town, cos. Suffolk, Worcester, Salop, Stafford, Warwick, Leicester, Somerset, Gloucester, Wilts, Surrey, Bucks, Oxon, Essex, Monday and Wednesday before St. Thomas the Apostle, Saturday before and Saturday after Christmas [16, 18, 21, 28 Dec] 1420, Thursday after Epiphany (2), Saturday before, Monday the Feast of, and Thursday after, St. Hilary [9, 11, 13, 16 Jan.], 24, 27, 30 Jan., Wednesday and Friday before the Purification [29, 31 Jan.], Monday after St. Blaise [lo Feb.] 1 420/ 1, and Friday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist [20 June] 1421. "Et dicunt quod predictus Hugo obiit xxvij"° die mensis Novembris proximo preterito Et quod Jocosa uxor Thome Erdyngton' junioris Katerina Burnell' et Margeria uxor Edmundi Hungerford' sunt consanguinee et heredes predicti Hugonis propinquiores videlicet filie Edwardi Burnell' militis filii predicti Hugonis Et sunt etatis videlicet predicta Jocosa xxiiij" annorum et amplius predicta Katerina xiiij annorum et amplius et predicta Margeria xj annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. V, file 54, no. 116: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 122, no. 9). (*) Lambeth Reg., Chichele i, f. 343V. " Hugo Burnell' dominus de Holgote et de Weoleygh' . . . corpus meum ad sepeliendum in choro Monasterii beate Marie abathie de Hales Oweyry [Hales Owen] in quadam tumba alabaustri juxta corpus Jocose quondam uxoris mee pro sepultura nostra ibidem constructa." (8) " Johanna que fuit uxor Walteri Fitz Wauter chivaler defuncti." Writs of diem cl. ext. 12 May and 13 June 10 Hen. IV. Inq., Essex, city of London, Saturday after Corpus Christi [8 June] and 15 July 1409. "Dicunt eciam quod predicta Johanna . . . obiit undecimo die Maii ultimo elapso [die veneris proximo ante festum Ascensionis domini ultimo preterits — co. Essex] Et quod Umfridus filius