Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/323

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DEVEROIS 305 1308/9,0 and d. shortly before i June i335),() anJ 2iid da. and coh. of Sir Hugh de Mortimer, of Richard's Castle, co. Hereford, Burford, Salop, life. [Lord Mortimer], by Maud, his wife. He d. shortly before 6 Mar. 1336/7. (■=) His widow, who was b. 14 Sep. 1295, ('^) ;«., 3rdly, before 9 Feb. 1338/9, Q Thomas ue Hulhampton, and d. shortly before 25 Dec. 1345,0 aged 50. 4. Sir William Deverois, of Holme Lacy, Stoke Lacy, Frome Haymonds, and Lower Hayton, s. and h. by ist wife, b. on or just before I Nov. 13 14. In 1340 he attempted to recover the castle and manor of Lyonshall from John de Veer, Earl of Oxford, and Maud (de Badlesmere), his wife.O He was implicated in a riot at Hereford in i344.() Occurs as a debtor for 1,000 marks to Sir Ralph Spigurnell, 11 Feb. 1357/8. C") He granted the manor of Lower Hayton to John de Fallesleye for life and (») Ch. Inq. p. VI. (on William de Mortimer of Ham), Edw. II, file 10, no. 2. C') " Galfridus de Cornubia." Writ of diem d. txt. i June 9 Edw. III. Inq., COS. Salop, Worcester, 26 June and 6 July 1335. " Ricardus de Cornubia filiusdicti Galfridi est propinquior heres ipsius Galfridi ct fuit etatis viginti duorum annorum ad festum sancte Trinitatis proximo preteritum." Inq., Essex, 2 Oct. 1335. Heir, aged 23 and more, as before. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 42, no. 12: Excli. Inq. p. m., I, file 8, no. 14). (■=) " Willclmus de Everois." Writ of diem cl. txt. 6 Mar. 1 1 Edw. III. Inq., Salop, 12 Apr. 1337. "Willelmus de Everois filius predict! Willelmi de Everois est propinquior heres ejusdem Willelmi et fuit etatis viginti et duorum annorum et amplius ad festum Omnium Sanctorum ultimo preteritum." Inq., co. Hereford, 2 Apr. 1337. Heir, aged 22 and more, as before. He held the manors of Holme Lacy, Stoke Lacy, and Frome Haymonds, 1 1 fees, and Lawton, J fee, co. Hereford, and Lower Hayton, Salop, I fee, all of the Earl of March. Other Inq., concerning the lands which he had held as husband of the said Margaret, viz., the manors of Amberden, Essex, and Burford and Stapleton, Salop, 14 Mar. 1336/7, 19 and 20 May 1337. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 50, no. 22). (■*) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Hugh de Mortimer of Richard's Castle), Edw. I, file i 13, no. 2. See Mortimer of Richard's Castle. (') By a fine, levied in the octaves of the Purification 13 Edw. Ill, Thomas de Hulhampton and Margaret his wife quitclaimed to William Deveroys, for themselves and the heirs of Margaret, all their right in the manors of Frome Haymonds, Holme Lacy, and Stoke Lacy, for ;^200. {Feet of Fines, case 82, file 40, no. 89). Margaret and her 2nd husband had been jointly enfeoffed of these manors. " Margareta que fuit uxor Galfridi de Cornewaille." Writs of diem cl. exf. to the escheators in cos. Essex, Hereford, Worcester, Devon, Salop, and Leicester, 25 Dec. [Fine Roll, 19 Edw. Ill, m. 15). (8) De Banco, Mich., 14 Edw. Ill, m. 591. He stated that William Deveroys chr. gave the manor to WiUiam his s. in tail general, whence the right descended to John s. and h. of William s. of WiUiam, to WiUiam s. and h. of John, and to himself, the plaintiff, s. and h. of the last-named WiUiam. (•>) Patent Roll, i8 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 12 d: Close Roll, 32 Edw. Ill, m. 23 d. 39