Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/355

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DEVON 337 Commissioner of Bankrupts 1802-17; M.P. (Tory) for Exeter i8i2-26;(^) Master in Chancery 1817-26; Clerk Assistant of the Pari. 1826-35, when he sue. to the Peerage. D.C.L., Oxford, 7 June 1837; High Steward of the Univ. of Oxford 1838 till his death; Eccles. Commissioner 1842-50; Chairman of the "occupation of land [I.] commission" 1843. He m., istly, 29 Nov. 1804, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Harriet Leslie, da. of Sir Lucas Pepys, Bart., by Jane Elizabeth, suo jure Countess of Rothes [S.]. She, who was b. i June 1777, d. at Powderham, 16, and was bur. 28 Dec. 1839, at West Wickham, Kent, aged 62. He ;«., 2ndly, 30 Jan. 1849, at St. Stephen's, Dublin, Elizabeth Ruth, da. of the Rev. John Middleton Scott, of Ballygannon, co. Wicklow, by Arabella Barbara, da. of Anthony (Brabazon), 8th Earl of Meath [L]. He d. at Shrivenham, Berks, 19, and was bur. 26 Mar. 1859, at Powderham, aged 81. Will dat. 25 Sep. 1850, pr. 15 July 1859. His widow d. at Cheltenham, 17, and was bur. 23 Mar. 19 14, at Powderham, in her looth year. XXX. 1859. 21. William Reginald (Courtenay), Earl OF Devon, 1st s. and h. by ist wife, b. in Charlotte Str., Bedford Sq., 14 Apr., and bap. 3 July 1 807, at St. Geo., Bloomsbury ; ed. at W^estminster; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 30 Mar. 1824; Pres. of Oxford Union Soc. i827.() B.A. 1828, Fellow of All Souls' Coll. 1828-31, B.C.L. 1831, D.C.L. 27 June 1838; styled Lord Courtenay 1835-59; a Cursitor in the Court of Chancery 1830-35. M.P. (Conservative) for South Devon 1841-49; Sec. to the Poor Law Board 1851-59; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster July 1866 to May 1867; P.C. 10 July 1866; President of the Poor Law Board May 1867 to Dec. i868.(') He ;«., 27 Dec. 1830, at Filleigh, Devon, Elizabeth, 7th and yst. da. of Hugh (Fortescue), ist Earl Fortescue, by Hester, da. of the Right Hon. George Grenville. She, who was b. 10 July 1801, ^. at Powderham Castle, 27 Jan., and v/ns bur. there 2 Feb. 1867, aged 65. He d. there 18, and was bur. there 24 Nov. 1888, aged 81. Will dat. 17 Sep. 1885, pr. 11 Jan. 1889, at ^^2,598. XXXL 1888. 22. Edward Baldwin (Courtenay), Earl OF Devon, 3rd('^) but only surv. s. and h., b. in Grosvenor Sq., (*) When a peer he followed Peel in his changes on the Corn Laws, and supported Liberal Govts, in 1850 on the vote of censure for their conduct in the "Don Pacifico" case, and again in that of the China War of 1857. V.G. C") For a list of peers who have been Presidents of the Union Socs. at Oxford or at Cambridge, see Appendix F in this volume. V.G. (*=) He voted against his party in favour of the Repeal of the Paper Duty in i860, and was one of the Conservative peers who followed Lord Salisbury in assent- ing to the 2nd Reading of the Irish Church Disestablishment Bill in 1869. V.G. C) The ist s., William Reginald, h. 28 Oct. 1832, at Castle Hill, Devon, and hap. at Filleigh, matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 185 I, but ^. and unm., at 7 Hyde Park Place, 21, and was bur. 21 Nov. 1853, at Powderham, aged 21. The 2nd s., Hugh, b. at Castle Hill, 10, and bap. 16 Nov. 1 833, at Filleigh, d. v.p., an infant, 13 Mar. 1835. V.G. 43