Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/368

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DUKEDOM. VIII. EARLDOM. XII. 350 DEVONSHIRE w., 6 Aug. 1829, at Devonshire House, Piccadilly, Blanche Georgiana, 4th da. of George (Howard), 6th Earl of Carlisle, by Georgiana Dorothy, sister and coh. of William (Cavendish), 6th Duke of Devonshire above- named. She, who was b. 11 Jan. 18 12, rf'. 27 Apr. 1840, aged 28, at West Hill, Wandsworth, and was bur. at Streatham, but was removed, Jan. 1892, to Edensor. He d.(f) at Holkar Hall, 21, and was bur. 26 Dec. 1891, at Edensor,aged 83. Willdat. 29 July i89i,pr. 26 July 1892, at ;^' 1,790,871 gross. [William Cavendish, styled Lord Cavendish, ist s. and h. ap., b. 8 Oct. 1 83 1, in Belgrave Sq., d. an infant, 15 May 1834, and was bur. at Putney, but was afterwards removed to Edensor.] 8 and 11. Spencer Compton (Cavendish), Duke of Devonshire [1694], Marquess of , Hartington [1694], Earl of Devonshire " ■ [1618], Earl of Burlington [1831], Baron Cavendish of Hardwick [1605], and Baron Cavendish of Keighley [1831], 2nd but ist surv. s. and h., b. 23 July 1833; styled Lord Cavendish, 1 834-58, and Marquessof Hartington, 1858-91 ;ed. privately; matric. at Cambridge (Trin. Coll.) Oct. 1851 as a fellow commoner; 2nd class mathematical tripos, and M.A. 1854; was attached to Earl Granville's spec, mission to Russia in 1856. M.P. (Liberal) for North Lancashire, 1 8 5 7-68 ; for Radnor district, 1 8 69-80 ; for North-east Lancashire, 1880-85; ^'■"i fo"" the Rossendale division, 1885-91 ;() a Lord of the Admiralty, Mar. to Apr. 1863; Under Sec. for War, 1863-66; P.C. [G.B.] 16 Feb. 1866; Sec. for War, Feb. to July 1866; Postmaster Gen., 1868-71; P.C. [I.] 28 Jan. 1 871; Ch. Sec. for Ireland, 1871-74; Sec. for India, 1880-82, and again Sec. for War, 1882-85. ("=) LL.D. of Cambridge, 1862; Lord Rector of the Univ. of Edinburgh, 1877-80; cr. D.C.L. of Oxford, 26 June 1878. In Dec. 1887 he received the Freedom of the City of London. Norn. K.G.C^) 30 July, inv. 10 Aug. 1892; F.R.S. 3 Mar. 1892; Chanc. of the Univ. of Cambridge 1 892-1 908; Lord Lieut, of co. Derby from 1 892, and of co. Waterford from 1895, ^^^^ ^ 9°^ jC) Pres. of the Royal Agric. Soc. 1894; Pres. of THE Council, June 1895 to Oct. 1903, and of the (^) "A naturally silent man, of almost excessively reserved disposition, with warm family affections and a high standard of conduct." {Life of the ith Duke of Devon- shire, by Bernard Holland, vol. i, p. 10). V.G. () In 1886 he separated from the Liberals, remaining a Unionist, and leading that party in the Commons and the Lords successively. V.G. C^) In May 1882 his next brother, Frederick Charles, who had recently been appointed Sec. for Ireland, was assassinated by Irish Nationalists in Phoenix Park, Dublin. V.G. C*) He was the 8th Duke of his family so honoured. See vol. ii, Appendix B. {^) He was sue. as Lord Lieut, of Derby July 1908 by the 9th Duke. Except for the years 1685-89, 1711-14, and 1764-66, this post has been held exclusively by this family from 1660 to the present day, 191 6. V.G.