Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/376

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358 DILLON 1st Earl of Antrim [1.], by Alice, da. of Hugh (O'Neill), 3rd Earl of Tyrone [I.]. He d. at Killenfagny, co. Westmeath, 13 Apr., and was bur. 14 Sep. 1629, in the Friary of Athlone. Inq. p. m. His widow m. Oliver (Plunkett), 6th Baron Louth [I.], who d. about 1679. She was living 23 Aug. i66i.(^) III. 1629. 3. Theobald (Dillon), Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallen [I.], only s. and h., posthumous, b. between 4 and 10 July 1629. He d. an infant, 13 May 1630. IV. 1630. 4. Thomas (Dillon), Viscount Dillon OF Costello- Gallen [I.], uncle and h., being next br. to the 2nd Viscount, and then aged 15. He had livery of his lands 15 Mar. 1635/6, being then of full age, and having declared himself a Protestant, took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 16 Mar. 1639/40. P.C. [I.] 1640; Joint Gov. of CO. Mayo, 1641; one of those sent by the Pari. [I.] in 1642 to present their grievances to the King; Joint Pres. of Connaught 1644, and is said to have resigned in 1662; Lieut. Gen. in the Army; was reconciled to the Church of Rome 1646; maintained Athlone till 1651 in the royal cause, but was suspected of being privy to its treacherous surrender by Sir James Dillon, in Aug. of that year. His estates, above 64,000 acres, were sequestrated under the Commonwealth, but restored by Charles II, Mar. 1 660/ 1. C") He w., before 1636, Frances, da. of Sir Nicholas White, of Leixlip, by Ursula, ist da. of Garret (Moore), ist Viscount Moore OF Drogheda [I.]. She, who brought him X,3>ooo fortune, d. 20, and was bur. 23 Dec. 1674, in St. Mary's Chapel in Christ Church. Fun. Ent. Will dat. 16 Dec. 1674, pr. 1675, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]. He d. in 1673 or 1674. Will dat. 17 May 1673, P""- '675, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]. V. 1673 5. Thomas (Dillon), Viscount Dillon OF CosTELLO- or Gallen [I.], 4th but only surv. s. and h. He ;;;. 1 674. Elizabeth, ist da. of Sir John Burke, of Derymaclaghtny, CO. Galway, by Mary, da. of Richard (Bourke), 6th Earl OF Clanricarde [I.]. He d. s.p.s., 1674. Will pr. [I.] 1675. His widow w. Sheffield Grace, of Courtstown, co. Kilkenny, who d. 1684. She was living, as a widow, 1701. VI. 1674. 6. Lucas (Dillon), Viscount Dillon of Costello- Gallen [I.], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Theobald Dillon, by Sarah, formerly Sarah Bourke, spinster, his wife, (*) Possibly she is the Lady Dillon who (according to Lodge, who attributes the particulars to the wife of the 4th Viscount) d. in Wine Tavern Str., and was bur. 9 Jan. 1664, in St. James's, Dublin. V.G. C") His name appears in a remonstrance of the Roman Catholic nobility, presented to the King in 1663, (sc. See this list, vol. iii, p. 28, note " d," sub Carlingford.