Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/381

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DILLON 363 XVII. 1892. 17. Harold Arthur (Lee-Dillon), Viscount Dillon OF Costello-Gallen [I. 1622], 1st s. and h., b. at I Albert Str., Victoria Sq., Westm., 24 Jan. and bap. 29 May 1844, at St. Peter's, Eaton Sq.; ent. the Army as Ensign Rifle Brigade 8 Nov. 1862; Lieut. 1866; Capt. (Militia) 1874'; Major 1885; retired 1891; Hon. M... Oxon.; F.S.A. 27 Mar. 1873, and Pres.of the Soc. 1897-1904; Pres.of the Royal Archsol. Soc. 1892-98; Trustee of the Nat. Portrait Gallery 1894; Curator of the Tower Armouries 1895; Pres. of the Soc. of Antiquaries 1 897-1 904; Antiquary to the Royal Academy i903;(') Trustee of the Brit. Museum 1905. He w., 3 Nov. 1870, at Ottawa, Canada, Julia, ist da. of Isaac Brock Stanton, ot Ottawa, in the Canadian Civil Service, by Maria, da. ot James Wilson, of Scarr, co. Wexford. She was b. at Montreal, Canada. [Harry Lee Stanton Lee-Dillon, b. at i Morpeth Terrace, Westm., 25 July, and ^i?/). 26 Aug. 1874, at St. Peter's, Eaton Sq.; ed. at Charterhouse, and at Sandhurst; 2nd Lieut, ist Batt. Rifle Brigade 1895-97; F.S.A. 13 Jan. 1898; admitted to the Inner Temple 1899. He;;;., 5 Oct. 1904, at Crawley, Sussex, Brenda MaryjC*) ist da. of Thomas Smith, of Croft Cottage, Crawley, by Florence Mary, da. of John Baker, of Buchan Hill, Ifield, Sussex.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 5,444 acres in Oxon (worth nearly;/^7,ooo a year), besides, in Ireland, 83,749 acres in co. Mayo, 5,435 in CO. Roscommon, and 136 in co. Westmeath. Total, 94,764 acres, worth /,'2 8,762 a year. Principal Residence. — Ditchley Park, near Charl- bury, Oxon. All the Irish property was sold in May 1899 by the 17th Viscount. ('^) DILLON OF KILKENNY-WEST BARONY [I.] Sir James Dillon, s. and h. of Sir Lucas D., of Moymet, co. Meath, from 15 May 1570 Ch. Baron of I. 1620. the Exchequer [1.], was on 24 Jan. 1619/20, cr. LORD DILLON, BARON OF KILKENNY-WEST, co. W^estmeath [1.]. He was on 5 Aug. 1622, cr. EARL OF ROSCOM- MON [I.], both which titles, since 15 May 1850, have become dormant or extinct. See "Roscommon," Earldom of [I.], cr. 1622. (') He is one of the numerous peers who are or have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C. (*") She obtained a decree of restitution of conjugal rights, 22 May 191 1, and a decree nisi, 17 Oct. 191 1. V.G. (■=) In May 1899 he sold to the Congested Districts Board all his then remaining Irish estates, including those in Westmeath, which are said to have been in continuous possession of the Dillon family since 1 185, and were confirmed to them by charter in 1343. V.G.