Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/385

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DINGWALL 367 to have ceased," inasmuch as in 1606 it was not in the list of Ranking, and both Dehiy and Dingwall were sold to Lord Balmerinoch in 1608, and transferred by him, 26 Feb. 1608/9, ^o ^i"" Richard Preston as mentioned below. II. 1609. 1. Richard Preston, 3rd s. of Richard P., of White- hill {ci. Oct. I 571), by Helen (</. Oct. 1575), da. of Alan CouTTS, ot Bowhill, was of Halltree, co. Edinburgh, and was one of the most favoured of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to James VI, accom- panied him into England, and was madeK.B. at the Coronation, 2 5 July 1603. He obtained the Constabulary of Dingwall in 1607; having purchased the lands of that Barony, he was cr., 8 June 1609, LORD DINGWALL of CO. Ross [S.], to him and his heirs and assigns whatsoever, the creation being confirmed by Pari, on the 17th following. He w., between June and Dec. 1 614, Elizabeth, widow of Theobald (Butler), ViscouNT Butler of TuLLEOPHELiM [I.] (who d. s.p. Dcc. 1 6 1 3), Only da. of Thomas (Butler), E.A.RL OF OssoRY AND Ormond [I.], by his 2nd wife, Elizabeth, da. of John (Sheffield), Baron Sheffield. The Earl, her father, who d. that same year (1614), settled nearly all his lands on his h. male, Walter Butler, who refused to part with them to this Lord Dingwall (though the latter was a favourite of the King), and was consequently kept a prisoner in the Fleet for so refusing, till the King's death in 1625. By the influence of the all- powerful George Villiers, Marquess of Buckingham (to whose nephew his da. and h. presumptive, then aged 7, was affianced in 1622), he was cr., II July 1619, BARON DUNMORE, co. Kilkenny, and EARL OF DESMOND [!.],(') which Earldom was subsequently (with other titles) granted in reversion, failing heirs male of his body, 7 Nov. 1622, to the Hon. George Feilding, his designated son-in-law (as abovementioned), who, consequently, though never so married, obtained it. His wife d. in Wales, 10 Oct. 1628, and was ;^«r. (possibly re-interred) as "Countess of Desmond " 17 Mar. 1628/9, in Westm. Abbey. He d. s.p.m., 28 Oct. 1628, being drowned between Dublin and Holyhead. On his death the Barony of Dunmore and the Earldom of Desmond [I.], cr. in 1619, became extinct (though the reversion of the latter, as by the grant of 1622, descended to George, ist Viscount Callan [I.], formerly George Feilding), but the right to the Scottish Barony devolved as under: — III. 1628. 2. Elizabeth, jwoywrf Baroness Dingwall [S.], only da. and h., h. 25 July 161 5. She was ward of the Earl of Holland, who sold her marriage for £1^,000, and she m., in Sep. 1629, her kinsman, James Butler, then j/v/(?</LordThurles, afterwards, 1632, Earl of Ormond and Ossory [I.], and finally, 1682, Duke of Ormonde, who d. 21 July 1688, in his 8ist year. She d. 21 July 1684, in her 69th year. See fuller particulars under Ormonde, Dukedom of, cr. 1682; forfeited 1715. (') See ante, p. 257, note " c," sub DE?Mor-.'i5.