Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/399

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DINHAM 381 His coheirs were his four sisters or their representatives. (i) Sir Edmund Carewe, of Mohun's Ottery and Monkton, Devon (who d. 24 June I5I3),(*) s. and h. of Sir John Carewe, of the same, by Margery, 1st sister of Lord Dinham. (2) Elizabeth, Lady FitzWarene, 2nd sister of Lord Dinham: she w., istly, Fulk (Bourchier), Lord FitzWarene, who d. 18 Sep. i479,() 'i"'^ whose will, directing his burial, if he died in England, to be in the parish church of Bampton, Devon, was dat. i Apr. 1475, and pr. 10 Nov. 1480 (P.C.C, i Logge): she ;;;., 2ndly, Sir John Sapcotes, of Elton, Hunts, who d. 5 Jan. 1 500/1 [sic],^') and whose will, directing his burial to be in the Abbey Church of Hartland, was dat. at Tawstock, 6 Jan. (i 500/1) 16 Hen. Vll, and pr. 28 May following {P.C.C.y 2 1 Moone): she d. 19 Oct. I5i6,() and was bur. in the Church of the Grey Friars, London. (3) Joan, Lady Zouche, 3rd sister of Lord Dinham, and wife of John (Zouche), Lord Zouche, who d. 23 June 1526 [i/i:],(^) and whose will, directing his burial to be in the Priory Church of Stavordale, was dat. 8 Oct. 1525, and pr. 20 Mar. 1525/6 {P.C.C., 5 Porch). (4) Sir John Arundelle, of Lanherne, Cornwall (who d. 8 Feb. i544/5),('*) s. and h. of Sir Thomas Arundelle, of the same (who d. 5 or II Oct. I485),(') by Katherine, 4th sister of Lord Dinham. (') These four coheirs had licence of entry on their purparties of the inheritance, the Church of the Grey Freers w'in the said Citie of London." He mentions " my lady my wifFe Elizabeth " as living, and refers to various cups, iifc, on which " myn armes and my lady Fitzwaters departed " were chased together. (*) " Edmundus Carewe miles." Writ of ama/«i 19 Oct. 7 Hen. VIII. Inq., Devon, 31 Oct. 15 1 5. " Et . . . dicunt quod predictus Edmundus Carewe obiit vicesimo quarto die Junii anno regni dicti domini Regis nunc quinto Et quod Willelmus Carewe est ejus filius et propinquior heres et est plene etatis videlicet triginta annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 30, no. 88: Exch. Inq. p. m., II, file 155, no. 4). (•>) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Fulk Bourghchier de FitzWarene kt.), Edw. IV, file 73, no. 76; file 76, no. 65: (on John Sapcotes kt.), II, vol. 15, nos. 17, 53: (on Elizabeth FitzWarene widow, late the wife of Fulk Bourghchier de FitzWarene kt.), II, vol. 31, nos. 4, 5, 18, ig, 21, 23; vol. 32, no. 93. See FitzWarine. (') Ch. Inq. p. m. (on John Zouche kt., Lord Zouche and Seymour), II, vol. 81, no. 323. See Zouche of Harringwortli. C^) "Johannes Arundell' miles." Writ of diem cl. ext. 21 Feb. 36 Hen. VIII. Inq., Devon, 5 Nov. 1545. " Et ulterius dicunt quod predictus Johannes Arundell' . . . obiit viij" die Februarii ultimo pretcrito Et quod . . . Johannes Arundell' miles est ejus filius et heres propinquior et est etatis xlv annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 73, no. 18: Exch. Inq. p. m., II, file 187, no. 12). He was />ur. 20 Feb. 1544/5 at St. Columb, Cornwall. M.I. {/Irundell Family, pp. 1 70, 186). («) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Thomas Arundelle kt.), II, vol. I, nos. 33, 58; vol. 2, nos. 25-28 : Exch. Inq. p. m., II, file 337, no. 7. In one Inq. he is said to have died on 5 Oct., in the others on 1 1 Oct.: John, his s. and h., being then aged 10 and more, or II and more. His will {P.C.C., 29 Milles) was dated 3 Oct. 1485. (') The marriage settlements, before and after marriage, of Sir Thomas Arundelle and Katherine were dated 14 Dec. (1473) '3 Edw. IV and 26 Jan. following, respectively. [Arundell Family, p. 226).