Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/416

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398 VISCOUNTCY [l.Jl VII. DONERAILE BARONY [I.] 1821; Rep. Peer [I.]


3. Hayes (St. Leger), Viscount Done- RAiLE, &'c. [I.], only s. and h., k 9 May 1786, at Doneraile House; ed. at Eton circa 1798- 1803; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 21 Oct. 1805; Sheriff of co. Cork 18 12; a Gov. of CO. Cork 1820-31; had his right admitted to vote at elections of Rep. Peers [I.] 22 June 50-54 (Conservative). He m. (spec, lie), 14 June [816, his 1st cousin, Charlotte Esther, 2nd da. of Francis (Bernard), ist Earl of Bandon [I.] abovenamed, by Catherine Henrietta, da. of Richard (Boyle), 2nd Earl of Shannon [I.]. She, who was i>. 28 Jan. 1794, ^. 7 Feb. 1846, at Doneraile House, aged 52. He d. 27 Mar. 1854, at Doneraile House, in his 68th year.(^) VISCOUNTCY [I.]] VIII. BARONY [I.] IV. [854. 4. Hayes (St. Leger), Viscount Done- raile, &'c. [I.], only s. and h., ^. i Oct. 18 18, at Doneraile House; ed. at Eton iS^'i.-circa 1835; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 30 May 1837; SherifFof CO. Cork, 1845; had his right admitted to vote at elections of Rep. Peers [I.] 13 June 1854; Rep. Peer [I.] 1855-87 (Conservative). He w., 20 Aug. 1 851, at St. Peter's, Eaton Sq., Midx., Mary Anne Grace Louisa, da. of George Lenox Conyngham, Ch. Clerk of the Foreign Office, by Elizabeth, only child of Robert Holmes, of Dublin, Barrister-at-law. He d. s.p.m.s.,(^) 26 Aug. 1887, aged 68, at Doneraile Court, from hydrophobia caused by the bite of a fox(') in Jan. preceding. His widow c/. 24 Feb. 1907, at Nice, and was iur. at Doneraile. VISCOUNTCY [I.] IX. BARONY [I.] V. 5. Richard Arthur (St. Leger), Vis- count Doneraile, (s^c, cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of the Rev. Richard Thomas Arthur St. Leger, Vicar of Otterford, Somerset (d. 28 Jan. 1875, aged 84), by Charlotte, da. of Sir John Frederick, Bart., which Richard was s. and h. of the Hon. Richard St. Leger (c/. Jan. 1841, also aged 84), 2nd s. of the ist Viscount. He was ^.22 Feb. 1825; sometime Ch. Clerk in the Paymaster General's office. He d. unm., i Jan. 1891, at 13 South Sq., Gray's Inn, aged 65. Will pr. Jan. 1891, at ;^'ii,723. (*) He was one of the 22 "stalwarts" who voted against the 3rd reading of the Reform Bill of 4 June 1832, after Wellington and the great bulk of the Opposition had decided to abstain. For a list of these see vol. iii. Appendix I. V.G. C*) His only s., Hayes Warham St. Leger, was h. and d. 1852. His only surv. da. and h., Emily Ursula Clare, m., 23 Apr. 1874, Bernard (Fitzpatrick), and Baron Castletown. ('^) The 4th Duke of Richmond also died in the same strange and dreadful way from the bite of a tame fox, 28 Aug. 181 9. V.G.