Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/42

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26 DACRE Jan. 1573/4,0 Dorothy, da. and h. of John Radcliffe (otherwise Rowell), of Derwentwater, by Catherine, da. of ( — ) Grimstone. She d. probably between 1588 and 17 Sep. I589,() and certainly before i6oo.() He (as Frances^ Lord D acres of the Northe) w., 2ndly, 17 June 1607, at St. Saviour's, Southwark, " Mrs. Avis Downham," that is to say, Avice, da. of Thomas Tyrrell, of Heron Hall, East Horndon, Essex, by Mary, da. of Sir John Sulliard, of Wetherden, Suffolk. He d. 19 Feb. 1632/3, at Chester-Ie-Street, co. Durham, and was bur.ihQve. the same day. His widow was living there in and after i(>2>S-^) X. 1633 9. Randolf Dacre, calling himself Lord Dacre (of to Gilsland), only surv.s. and h., by the 2ndwife,(^«/>. 8 Mar. 1634. 1607/8, at St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, as "son of Frauncis, Lord Dakers." He d. unm., in the parish of St. Dunstan's afsd. 10, and was bur. 27Dec. 1634, atGreystoke,(') aged 26, when the issue male of Thomas, Lord Dacre {d. 1457/8), and consequently the Peerage, if one in tail male, probably became extinct.(^ DACRE OF GILLESLAND i.e. " Dacre of Gillesland, Cumberland," Barony {Howard), cr. 1661, with the Earldom of Carlisle, which see. (*) When he and Dorothy his wife levied a fine. {Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. See, N.S., vol. iv, p. 3 1 o, quoting Feet of Fines, Cumberland, Hilary 1 6 Eliz.). V.G. C') In a letter of this date Francis mentions a son and daughters but no wife. (Nicol- son and Burn, History of JV estmorland and Cumberland, vol. ii, pp. 352-3, notes). V.G. (■=) She had issue 2 sons and 5 daughters. The eldest son, Francis, was of full age at Whitsuntide 1 600. {Cal. Border Papers, vol. ii, p. 652). He was apparently living at the end of 1601, but d. before 19 Dec. 1605. {Surtees Soc, vol. Ixviii, p. 374). The 2nd son, Humphrey, was born and died 1588. The daughters were (i) Eleanor, (2) Frances, (3) Mary, (4) Elizabeth, (5) Anne. Mary probably d. before 30 Apr. 1595, when a warrant issued to pay the others a pension of ^^50 p.a. each. (Signet Office Docquet Books (for Privy Seals), vol. i, 1584-97). Eleanor appears to have d. before 25 Mar. 1599 (^-P- Dom., Jac. I, Warrant Books, vol. ii, fol. 37, 37b). The pensions were paid to Frances (who m. William Anderton), Eliza- beth and Anne (then wife of Henry Sherburne) in 161 1 (S.P. Dom., Docquets, Jac. I, vol. x);and in 1622 Anne (then wife of Francis Lacon) petitioned for her pension. {Hist. MSS. Com., 4th Rep., App., p. 271). V.G. (^) Jrc/iiCologia/Eliana, N.S., vol. ii, p. I 57 ; Surtees Soc, vol.xxxiv, pp. 1 46-1 54. V.G. (*) The entry of his burial in the parish register (printed 191 1) states that he was s. and h. to Francis Dacre, Esq., deed., being the yst. s. of the late Lord William Dacre, deed., being the last heir male of that line; which said Randal d. in London, and was brought down at the charge of Thomas, Earl of Arundel and Surrey and Earl Marshal of England. (*) His only sister of the whole blood, Mary, eloped in 1635 from her mother's house in Chester-le-Street with Marmaduke Hedworth, and m. him at Thornaby, in Cleveland. He was fined 1,000 marks and sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment for adultery. She d. s.p., at a great age, the last of her race. V.G.