Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/420

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402 DONOUGHMORE 1785-93, (^) and 1 799-1806; took his seat in the House of Lords [I.], 5 Feb. 1789; Grand Master of Freemasons [I.] 1789-1813; Com. of Excise [I.] 1793-1806; Lieut. Col. ii2th Foot, 1794; Major Gen. 1805; Lieut. Gen. in the Army 18 12, and finally Gen. May 1825. P.C. [I.] 26 Oct. 1796. On 20 Nov. 1797, he was cr. VISCOUNT DONOUGH- MORE OF KNOCKLOFTY,^ co. Tipperary [L], with a spec. rem. to the heirs male of the body of his mother, and took his seat 23 Feb. 1798. He commanded the force (chiefly of Irish militia) which was routed by Humbert at " Castlebar Races" 39 Aug. 1798. On 31 Dec. 1800,0 he, being a Whig, was cr. EARL OF DONOUGHMORE OF KNOCKLOFTY [I.], with a like spec. rem. Rep. Peer [I.], 1801-25, being one of the original 28 so elected at the time of the Union; P.C. [G.B.] 7 May 1806; F.S.A. 12 June 1806; Joint Post Master Gen. [I.] 1 806-07. C^) Finally, on 14 July i82i,C) he was cr. VISCOUNT HUTCHINSON OF KNOCKLOFTY, co. Tipperary [U.K.], with alike spec. rem. Hed'. unm., 22 Aug. 1825, in Bulstrode Str., Manchester Sq., Marylebone, aged 69.Q Will pr. June 1826. II. BARONY [I. III. EARLDOM AND 2 and 3. John (Hely-Hutchinson), VISCOUNTCY [I.] I Earl of Donoughmore, &'c. [I.], also Vis- count Hutchinson of Knocklofty and 1825. Baron Hutchinson of Alexandria and of Knocklofty [U.K.], br. and h. He was b. 15 May 1757; ed. at Eton, at Oxford (Magd. Coll.) 1773, and at Trin. Coll. Dublin; was M.P. for Lanesborough 1776-83; for (^) Lord Grenville writes to George III, 25 Apr. 1806, "It is proposed that the present Board of Revenue should be divided into a Board of Customs and another of Excise; and that as Lord Donoughmore is now at the head of both departments, his Lordship is to quit that situation and to be recommended to your Majesty for the office of joint Post-Master-General." V.G. C') It is generally said that this creation was Viscount Suirdale, or Donough- more of Suirdale, but such is not the case, though it has the support of Diet. Nat. Biog. in one of its least satisfactory articles. In all the three creations (1783, 1797 and 1800), the title is "Donoughmore of Knocklofty" and the Viscountcy of Hutchinson [U.K.], conferred in 1821, is also o( '■'■ Knocklofty." The courtesy title used by the heir ap. has generally been (wrongly?) " Suirdale" but should apparently be " Hutchinson" or " Knocklofty." G.E.C. and V.G. if) This was one of the numerous Irish Peerages conferred on the day before the Union. See vol. iii, Appendix H. (<^) Not till 1 809, as in Did. Nat. Biog. He and his Whig colleague resigned with the rest of "All the Talents" in Apr. 1807, and their successors were com- missioned 2 May 1807. V.G. (°) This v/as one of the 22 peerages cr. at the Coronation of George IV. See an account of these in vol. ii. Appendix F. (') " He speaks often and well, but he is by no means an inheritor of his father's talents." [Sketches of Irish political character, 1799). He was a strenuous advocate