Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/423

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DONOUGHMORE 405 Col. in the East India Co.'s service. He d. of paralysis, 5 Dec. 1900, at 84 Sloane Str., Chelsea, and was bur. from Knocklofty, at Kilmainham, aged 52. (^) Will pr. gross over ;^i05,ooo, net over [^^^oo. EARLDOM AND 6 and 7. Richard Walter John (Hely- VISCOUNTCY [I.] Hutchinson), Earl of Donoughmore of ^, Knocklofty [1800], Viscount Donough- >■ 1900. MORE of Knock-lofty [1797] and Baron ■RARONY n 1 Donoughmore of Knocklofty [1783], in •- ■-■ the peerage of Ireland, also Viscount VII. / Hutchinson of Knocklofty [U.K. 1821], only s. and h., />. 2 Mar. 1875, at ^^ Charles Str., Berkeley Sq., Midx.; jry/f<^ (wrongly .) Viscount Suirdale;() ed. at Eton and at New Coll. Oxford; Member of the London School Board for Marylebone, Apr. to Oct. 1903; Under Sec. for War (Conservative) 1903-05; Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords from 191 1; Grand Master of Freemasons [I.] from 1913. He w., 21 Dec. i90i,atSt. Michael's, Chester Sq., Elena Maria, 2nd da. of Michael Paul Grace, a South American merchant, then of Porters, Shenley, Herts, and later of Battle Abbey, Sussex, by Marguerita Anita, da. of John Mason, of Edinburgh. [John Michael Henry Hely-Hutchinson, ist s. and h. ap., styled (wrongly."') Viscount Suirdale, h. 12 Nov. 1902.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 4,711 acres in co. Tipperary; 2,878 in co. Waterford; 1,972 in co. Cork; 1,307 in co. W^ex- ford; and 1,082 in cos. Kilkenny, Monaghan, Dublin, and Louth. Total, II, 9 50 acres, valued at ^T 10,424 a year. Principal Residence. — Knocklofty, near Clonmel, Tipperary. DORCHESTER MARQUESSATE. Henry (Pierrepont), Earl of Kingston-on- , , Hull (who on 30 July 1643 had sue. his father, the ^ /^^ 1st Earl, in that dignity), was, 25 Mar. 1645, cr.


ib8o. QUESS OF DORCHESTER, co. Dorset], the dignity being '■'■ entayled upon the heires of his body for ever."{^') He d. s.p.m.s., 8 Dec. 1680, when the Marquessate thus conferred (*) He was one of the numerous peers who have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1 896) see vol. v. Appendix C. C") See note "c" on preceding page. (') The only authority for this creation is Black's Docquets of Letters Patent, in Creations, 1483-1646, in App., 47th Rep., D.K. Pub. Records. See also vol. ii, p. 454, note " b," iuh BvRON.