Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/43

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DAGWORTH 27 DAER i.e. "Daer and Shortcleugh," Barony [S.] (Douglas), cr. 1646, with the Earldom of Selkirk. [S.], which see. DAGWORTHO BARONY BY i. Sir Thomas de DagwortHjC) yr. s.("=) of John de WRIT. Dagworth, of Dagworth, Suffolk, and Bradwell, Essex, Usher of the Exchequer {b. 25 Apr. I2i6,{^) d. 27 July I. 1347. I33-)5C) by Alice {m. after 4 July 1292, d. 15 May I333),(') elder da. and coh. of William fitz Warin.(s) He (^) This article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. C") His arms were, Ermine, on a fesse Gules three roundlets Or. C') The relationship is proved by a writ, 17 Mar. 1345/6, discharging Nicholas de Dagworth [s. and h. of John, mentioned above] from finding a man-at-arms, because his br. Thomas was on the King's service in Brittany, and his son [John] was with Thomas, and he himself was too infirm to labour. {Patent Roll, 20 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 23). Nicholas (aged 26 and more in 1332) m., before 20 Sep. 1334, Mar- garet {Ing. a. q. d., file 229, no. 12), and d. 12 Oct. 135 I, leaving a s. and h., John, aged 24 and more (probably "le nepueu Dagorne, fier fu com un liespart," who fought in the Bataillc des Trente), who m., before 12 June 1353, Thomasine, and d. 16 Aug. 1 360, leaving a da. and h., Margaret, aged 2 and more in 1 363. (Ch. Inj. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 112, no. 25, file 177, no. 20). Thomasine m., 2ndly, before 20 Jan. 1365/6, Sir William de Furnival. See Furnival. C*) " Adhuc de mense sancti Michaelis. Suff '. Johannes filius et heres Johannis de Daggeworth' defuncti." Probacio etatis. ". . . predictus heres fuit plene etatis scilicet xxj anni die sancti Marci Ewangeliste proximo preterite et . . . fuit natus apud Daggeword et baptizatus in capella ejusdem ville." {Coram Rege, Mich., 25-26 Edw. I, m. 12 d). (^) Ch. Ing. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 31, no. 33. He was s. and h. of John, aged 9 in July 1260, a'. 17 Oct. 1290 (by Maud — d. shortly before 8 May 1308 — sister and coh. of Simon, and ist da. of Laurence de I'Escheker, Usher of the Exchequer), s. and h. of Osbert, dead 15 July 1260 (Hawise, his widow, living 17 Nov. 1260), s. and h. of Richard, dead 16 Oct. 1234 (by Isabel — d. 15 Sep. 1262 — da. of William de Huntingfeld), s. and h. of Osbert de Daggord, of Dagworth, s. and h. of Hervey. (Ch. Ing. p. m., Hen. Ill, file 24, no. I, file 26, no. 16; Edw. I, file 39, no. 4, file 60, no. 6; Edw. II, file I, no. 13: C/ose Roll, 18 Hen. Ill, m. 3: Patent Roll, 45 Hen. Ill, m. 21: Pari. Rolls, vol. i, p. 426: Pipe Roll, 28 Edw. I: Memoranda Rolls, 18-19 Edw. I, K.R., mm. 5 d, 9 d; L.T.R., mm. 3, 11 d). (') Escheators" Enrolled Accounts, no. 2, m. 60 d. Writ of diem cl. ext. 20 May 7 Edw. III. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 35, no. lo). (s) This William d. before 13 June 1290. His widow, Alice, m. John de Beaumont, of Drayton and Seaming, Norfolk, Grimston, Suffolk, ^c, who d. shortly before 24 Sep. 1298. She m., 3rdly (lie. 21 Aug. 1301), John Spring. She d. 5 Mar. 1 3 14/5, when Alice, aged 30, wife of John de Daggeworth kt., was found to be her elder da. and coh. {Patent Rolls, 18 Edw. I, m. 24; 20 Edw. I, m. 8; 27 Edw. I, m. 38 d; 29 Edw. I, w. 9: Fine Roll, 26 Edw. I, m. 4: Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 65, no. 16; Edw. II, file 36, no. 3: Pipe Roll, 10 Edw. II).