Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/430

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412 DORCHESTER Lancers; served in the S. African War 1 899-1 900,(^) and in Northern Nigeria ; Capt. Army Motor Reserve. He m.,2i Sep. 1 9 1 1 , at Bath Abbey, Kathleen, only da. of "William (de Blaquiere), 6th Baron de Blaquiere, by Lucienne, ist da. of George Desbarats, of Montreal. She was b. 17 Feb. 1 89 1, at Park Lane, Bath.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 14,521 acres in the counties of Tyrone and Meath and in Hampshire, valued at ;^2,955 a year. DORKING See "AsHCOMBE of Dorking, co. Surrey, and of Bodiam Castle, co. Sussex," Barony (jCubitt)^ cr. 1892. DORMER OF WYNGC) BARONY. I. Robert Dormer, 3rd but ist surv. s. and h. of T r Sir William D., of Wing, co. Buckingham, K.B., being ■'■ only s. by his 2nd wife, Dorothy {d. 30 Sep. 16 13), da. of Anthony Catesby, of Whiston, Northants; bap. 26 Jan. 1551, at Wing. M.P. for Tregony 1571, and for Bucks 1592-93; sue. his father 17 May 1575; High Sheriff of Bucks 1584-85; knighted 21 Aug. 1591, cr. a Baronet 10 June 1615. On 30 June 1615 he was cr. BARON DORMER OF WYNG, co. Buckingham.(<=) Keeper of the Royal Hawks, Falcons, fsPc. He ;«., "about St. James's tide 1590," Elizabeth, da. of Anthony (Browne), ist Viscount Montagu, by his 2nd wife, Magdalen, da. of William (Dacre), Lord Dacre (of Gilsland). He d. 8, and was bur. 1 9 Nov. 1 6 1 6 at W^ing, aged 6^. M.L there. Will pr. 161 6. Inq. p. m. 19 Jan. 1616 j"]. His widow was living, "a Papist," 29 Sep. 1623. Will pr. 4 May 1631. II. 1616. 2. Robert (Dormer), Baron Dormer of Wyng, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Sir William Dormer, by Alice {m. 21 Feb. 1609/10), da. of Sir Richard Molyneux, Bart., which William was ist s. and h. ap. of the last Baron, but d. v.p., Oct. 16 16. He was aged six years at his grandfather's death in 161 6. On 2 Aug. 1628 he was cr. VISCOUNT ASCOTT, co. Buckingham, and EARL OF CARNARVON. He was slain at Newbury, ex parte Regis, 20 Sep. 1643. For fuller particulars see "Carnarvon," Earldom of, cr. 1628, extinct 1709. (^) For a list of peers and heirs ap. of peers who served in this war, see vol. iii, Appendix B. C*) Arms: Azure ten billets Or, on achief of the second a lion rampant Sable. V.G. C^) See Creation!, 1 483- 1 646, in App., 47th Rep., D.K. Pub. Records. For this Barony "he paid ^^8,000 to the Lord Sheffield, besides other driblets elsewhere." (Letter of Lord Carew, 161 5). For the alleged humble origin of this and other peerage families see vol. iii, p. 501, note " d," sub Craven. V.G.