Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/442

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424 DORSET VI. 1609. 3. Richard (Sackville), Earl of Dorset, &€., s. and h., by ist wife, ^.28 Mar. 1589, at the Charter House, London; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 26 July 1605, being then aged 16; styled h,OKV> BucKHURST, 1608-09; Jo^"t Lord Lieut, of Sussex, 1612-24. He m., 25 Feb. 1608/9 (^ '^'^Y^ before his father's death), at her mother's house in Austin Friars, London, Anne, suo jure Baroness Clifford, only da. and h. of George (Clifford), 3rd Earl of Cumberland, by Margaret, da. of Francis (Russell), 2nd Earl of Bedford. He d. s.p.m.s., at Dorset House, on Easter Day, 28 Mar., being his 35th birthday, and was l>ur. 7 Apr. 1624, at Witiiyam.(^) Will pr. 1624. Fun. certif. His widow, who was k at Skipton Castle, 30 Jan., and i>ap. 22 Feb. 1589/90, at Skipton, m., as 2nd wife, 3 June 1630, at Chenies, Bucks, Philip (Herbert), Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery (by whom she had no issue), who d. 23 Jan. 1649/50. She d. at Brougham Castle, West- morland, 22 Mar., and was iur. 14 Apr. 1675/6, in St. Lawrence's, Appleby, in her 87th year. M.I. Will dat. i May 1674, pr. 3 Apr. i676.() [Thomas Sackville, styled Lord Buckhurst, s. and h. ap., ^. at Knole House, in Sevenoaks, Kent, and l?ap. there 24 Feb. 1619/20. He d. there v.p., in infancy.] VII. 1624. 4. Edward (Sackville), Earl of Dorset, and Baron Buckhurst, br. of the whole blood and h. male, I?. 1590; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 26 July 1605 (the same day as his elder br.), being then aged 15. In Aug. 1613, he slew in a duel^) Edward (Bruce), Lord Bruce of Kinloss [S.]. M.P. for Sussex 1 620-22 ;('^) Joint Lord Lieut, of Middlesex 1620-22 and 1628-42; K.B. 3 Nov. 1616, at the creation of the Prince of Wales; Joint Lord Lieut, of Sussex, 1624-42; nom. K.G. 15 May, and inst. 13 Dec. 1625; Bearer of the third sword at the Coronation, 2 Feb. 1625/6; P.C. 22 July 1626; Chamber- lain to the Queen Consort, 1628; High Steward of the honour of Grafton, 1629, and of Yarmouth 1629 till his death; Chamberlain of the Household, 1644-46, being one of the Peers in attendance on the King at Oxford and one of those who intended in Oct. 1 647 to reside with the King at Hampton {') " A man of spirit and talent, but a licentious spendthrift." He was, according to Clarendon, " a man of reckless expenditure." Aubrey says he settled an annuity of ^^500 on the well-known Venetia Stanley, and that he had several children by her before her marriage with Sir Kenelm Digby. It is almost certain, however, that Venetia Stanley's lover was Edward, the next Earl. G.E.C. and V.G. C") See fuller account of this celebrated woman, vol. iii, pp. 295-7, sub Clifford, Barony, 1299, which Barony became vested in her issue by the Earl of Dorset. ("=) See a long and interesting account of this duel in Co///w, vol. ii, pp. 151-157. " Who with their surgeons crossed the seas to end The warm dispute about a female friend." V.G. (■*) He was not in the Pari, of 1 614, as stated in Did. Nat. Biog. V.G.