Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/475

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DOWNSHIRE 457 DOWNSHIRE MARQUESSATE [1.] i. Wills Hill, 3rd(=') but only surv. s. and h. of Trevor, ist Viscount Hillsborough and I. 1789. Baron Hill of Kilwarlin, both co. Down [I.] (so cr. 21 Aug. 1717), by Mary, ist da. and coh. of Anthony Rowe, of Muswell Hill, Midx., was b. 30 May 171 8, at Fairford, co. Gloucester (Gen. Sir Charles Wills being one of his sponsors); was M.P.C*) for Warwick, 1741-56, being also elected for Huntingdon 1 741; Governor and Gustos Rot. co. Down 1742 till his death; sue. his father, 5 IVIay 1742, in the Viscountcy and Barony abovenamed, taking his seat in the House of Lords [I.], 11 Nov. 1743; P.C. [I.] 25 Aug. 1746. On 3 Oct. 1 75 1, he was cr. VISCOUNT KILWARLIN and EARL OF HILLSBOROUGH, both co. Down [I.], with a spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body, to his uncle, Arthur Hill, and took his seat as such the 8th inst.; P.C. 21 June 1754; Comptroller of the Household, 1754-55; Treasurer of the Chamber, 1755-56. On 17 Nov. 1756, he was cr. LORD HARWICH, BARON OF HARWICH, co. Essex [G.B.]. Joint Registrar in Chancery [I.] 1759-93; First Lord of Trade, 1 763-65, and again Aug. to Dec. 1766, and 1768-72. F.R.S. 8 Mar. 1764; Joint Postmaster Gen., 1766-68; Sec. of State for the Colonies, 1 768-72, (') when he resigned. D.C.L. Oxford 21 May 1771; Elder Brother of the Trin. House 1781-93. On 28 Aug. 1772, he was rr. VISCOUNT FAIR- FORD, CO. Gloucester, and EARL OF HILLSBOROUGH [G.B.]. Sec. of State for the South, ('^) Nov. 1779 to Mar. 17820 (being, as such, one of Lord North's administration during the close of the war with America), when he finally retired from office. On 20 Aug. 1789, he was cr. MAR- QUESS OF DOWNSHIRE [I.], and took his seat as such 21 Jan. 1790.(0 Hereditary Constable of Hillsborough Fort. F.S.A. 24 Nov, 1791. He w., istly, I Mar. 1747/8, Margaretta (dowry ^T 20,000), sister of James, 1st Duke of Leinster [I.], da. of Robert (FitzGerald), 19th Earl of KiLDARE [I.], by Mary, da. of William (O'Brien), 3rd Earl of Inchiquin [I.]. She, who was b. 2 July 1729, d. 25 Jan. I766,(«) at Naples. He (*) His elder brother d. at Oxford, of consumption, and was bur. at St. Mary's there, 30 Mar. 1721. Another elder brother, Arthur, d. of smallpox after inocula- tion, in June 1725. V.G. C") He entered Pari, as one of the Anti-Walpole Whigs, but as a peer was associated with the Grenvilie and Grafton ministries, and ultimately became a Tory. V.G. ("=) He was the first Colonial Secretary, which office was held from 1768 to 1779 by the First Lord of Trade. V.G. (^) Not the North, as in Diet. Nat. Biog. and Doyle. V.G. (') As to this office see vol. ii, Appendix D, pp. 636-640. (') He was urgent in pressing his claims to this promotion, as appears in the Fortescue Papers, in Hist. MSS. Com., 13th Rep. He had great influence, returning, in 1784, nine members to the Irish Pari. V.G. («) Not 1765, as in Diet. Nat. Biog. V.G. 58