Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/477

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DOWNSHIRE 459 Registrar of the Court of Chancery [1.], 1 786-1 800; F.R.S. 21 Jan. 1790; Governor and Custos Rot. of co. Down 1793-1800; P.C. [I.] 7 Nov. 1793, sworn 23 Jan. 1794, but removed 18 Feb. 1800; took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 21 Jan. 1794. He m. (spec, lie), 29 June 1786, at St. Marylebone, Mary,(*) da. and h. of Col. the Hon. Martin Sandys, by Mary, da. and h. of William Trumbull, of Easthampstead Park, Berks (and Mary, da. and coh. of Montague (Blundell), Viscount Blundell [1.]). He d. 7 Sep. 1801, aged 48, of gout in the stomach, at Hillsborough. () Will pr. Feb. 1802. His widow, who was b. 19 Sep. 1764, having, on the death of her uncle, Edwin (Sardys), 2nd Baron Sandys of Ombersley, in 1797, sue. to the estates of that family, was cr., 19 June 1802, BARONESS SANDYS OF OMBERSLEY, co. Worcester, with a spec. rem. of that Barony. She d. i Aug. 1836, after a long illness, at Downshire House, Roehampton, Surrey. Will pr. Sep. 1836. in. 1 801. 3. Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull (Hill), Marquess of Downshire, i^c. [1.], also Earl of Hills- borough, ^c, 1st s. and h., b. 8 Oct. 1788, in Hanover Sq., Midx.; styled Earl of Hillsborough, 1793-1801; ed. at Eton circa 1800-05; metric, at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 27 Apr. 1807, M.A. 14 June 1809; cr. D.C.L., 3 July 1 8 10; Bearer of the second sword at the Coronation of William IV, 8 Sep. 1 831; Lord Lieut, of co. Down, 1831-45; K.P., 24 Nov. i83i;('=) cr. LL.D. of Cambridge, 6 July 1835; Vice Pres. of the Royal Soc, Dublin, &Q.{^) He m., 25 Oct. 1811 (spec, lie), Maria, ist da. of Other Hickman (Windsor), 5th Earl of Plymouth, by Sarah, da. and coh. of Andrew (Archer), 2nd and last Baron Archer. He d. suddenly, of apoplexy, at Blessington, co. W^icklow, 12, and was bur. 23 Apr. 1845, at Hillsborough, aged 56. Admon. May 1845. His widow, who was b. 30 May 1790, d. 7 Apr. 1855, at 50 Grosvenor Str., Midx., in her 65th year.^") Will pr. May 1855. (*) "I suppose your Grace has heard of Lord Fairford's match with Miss Sandys, by which he will obtain a great accession of fortune and interest in the County of Down, besides a considerable estate in this kingdom." (T. Orde to the Duke of Rutland, 14 June 1786). V.G. C") At the Union he received over ^^50,000 from the Govt, as compensation for the 7 Irish boroughs which he controlled; nevertheless he persistently resisted that measure in all its stages, though his father had recommended such a union in his last reported speech in the English House of Lords in 1786. In 1797 his Irish estates were said to be worth ^^24,000 p. a. For a list of the largest Irish landlords at that date see Appendix C in this volume. His ward, Charlotte Carpenter, who m. Sir Walter Scott, called him " the very best man on earth." V.G. (') One of the four extra knights nominated by William IV at his Coronation. See vol. iii, p. 138, note "a," sub Charlemont. C^) A Whig until 1834, when he became a Conservative. V.G. (') In the Memoirs of Viscount Combermere she and her husband are referred to as dignified, kind, and warm-hearted. V.G.