Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/487

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DRUMMOND 469 DRUMEARN See "Gordon of Drumearn, co. Stirling," Barony for life {Gordon), cr. 1876; extinct 1879. DRUMLANRIG i.e. " Drumlanrig," Viscountcy [S.] {Douglas), cr. 1628; and again, 1633, with the Earldom of Queensberry [S.], which see.(") i.e. "Drumlanrig and Sanquhar," Earldom of [S.] {Douglas), cr. 1682, with the Marquessate of Queensberry [S.], and again, 1684, with the Dukedom of Queensberry [S.], which see.C") DRUMMOND^) BARONY [S.] I. John Drummond, s. and h. of Sir Malcolm D. J oj, {d. 1470), of Stobhall and Cargill, co. Perth, by Mariot, ^ ' 1st da. of Sir David Murray, of Tullibardine, sat in pari. [S.] 6 May 1 47 1 under the designation of Dominus de Stobhall; was Seneschal of Stratherne, 20 Mar. 1473/4; was one of the Embassy to England 1483-84. On 29 Jan. 1487/8, he was cr. LORD DRUMMOND [S.J.C*) He joined the party against James III and sat In the first pari, of James IV, 6 Oct. 1488. He defeated the insurgent Earl of Lennox at Tillymoss, in 1489, and again, completely, at Gartalunane, near Aberfoyle, 11 Oct. 1489. P.C. and Justiciary [S.] 1488; Constable of Stirling Castle; one of the Embassy to treat with the English 1495, '5' •> and 1 5 12/13; 'w^^ imprisoned by the Regent Albany, 16 July 1515 to 23 Nov. 1 5 16, on the charge of striking Lyon King at Arms (Sir William Comyn), was forfeited, but was restored

1516. He m. Elizabeth, da. of 

Alexander (Lindsay), 4th Earl of Crawford [S.], by Margaret, da. of Sir David Dunbar. She was living 22 Sep. 1509. He d. 15 19, at Drummond Castle, aged 8i,(') and was bur. at InnerpefFray. (^) See ante, p. 440, note " c," sub Douglas of Hawick. (*") See ante, p. 441, note "a," sub Douglas of Kinmont. if) The family of Drummond is (naturally enough) one of the twelve given in Drummond's Noble British Families, being, perhaps, the one most profusely illustrated in that magnificent series. See vol. i, p. 118, note " b," sub Alvanlev. There have been several histories of this distinguished family, one by D. Malcolm, 1808; another by the Hon. W. Drummond, ed. by D. Laing, 1 831, i^c. C) "Johannes Drummond de Cargill, effectus fuit dominus Parliamenti, et, in futurum, nominandus Dominus Drummond." (') Of his six daughters the most noted was Margaret (mistress to James IV), who was poisoned with her sisters, Sybil Drummond, and Eupheme, wife of John, Lord Fleming, in May i 502, all 3 being bur. at Dunblane. Of the other three — Annabel m. William (Graham), ist Earl of Montrose [S.]; Beatrice was mistress of James (Hamilton), ist Earl of Arran [S.]; while Elizabeth m., istly, Sir David Fleming,