Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/488

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470 DRUMMOND [William Drummond, Master of Drummond, 2nd (^) but ist surv. s. and h. ap. Having a feud with the Murrays, he aided in 1490 in the burning of the church of Monzievaird, in which several members of that clan had taken refuge, for which act his br. David DrummondC*) (though not, as some have stated, he himself) was tried and executed at Stirling. He m.^ istly, before 5 Mar. 1478/9, () Isabel, 2nd da. of Colin (Campbell), 1st Earl of Argyll [S.], by Elizabeth or Isabel, da. and senior coh. of John (Stewart), 2nd Lord Lorne [S.]. He m., 2ndly, before 14 June 1493, Mariot or Marjorie, only da. of Archibald Forrester, of Corstor- phine, by his ist wife, Margaret, da. of Patrick (Hepburn), ist Lord Hailes. He d. v.p., between July 1503 and July 1504. His widow m., 2ndly, before 1507/8, Sir James Sandilands, of Calder. She d. Mar. 1561/2.] [Walter Drummond, Master of Drummond, s. and h. of the above William, by his ist wife, Isabel abovenamed, and grandson and h. ap. of the I St Lord. He m., in Feb. 15 13/4, his cousin, Elizabeth, 2nd da. of William (Graham), ist Earl of Montrose [S.], by his ist wife, Annabel, 4th da. of John (Drummond), Lord Drummond abovenamed. ('^) He d. in the lifetime of his grandfather, 1 5 1 8, and was bur. at InnerpefFray.] II. 1519. 2. David (Drummond), Lord Drummond [S.], great-grandson and h., being s. and h. of Walter Drum- mond, Master of Drummond, and Elizabeth, his wife, abovenamed; served h. to his great-grandfather 1 7 Feb. 1 5 1 9/20. He had divers confirma- tions of his lands and Baronies, particularly one, 25 Oct. 1542, of lands united into the Barony of Drummond to himself and the heirs male of his body, with rem. to John Drummond of InnerpefFray, Andrew D. of Belly- clone, Henry D. of Riccarton, and William D. of Smithstoun, in like manner, rem. to his nearest heirs whatsoever. He joined George Douglas in 1 545 in a marauding expedition into England. He was one of the association at Hamilton, 8 May 1568, on behalf of Mary, Queen of Scots. grandson of Robert, ist Lord Fleming, who d. before 1482, and 2ndly, George Douglas, Master of Angus, and was mother of Archibald, 6th Earl of Angus [S.], whose da. and h., Margaret, Countess of Lennox [S.], was mother of Henry (Stuart), Lord Darnley, King Consort of Scotland, the father of James I and VI, and ancestor of every succeeding monarch of Great Britain. (*) His elder brother Malcolm d. v.p., young and unm. V.G. C") Diet. Nat. Blog. wrongly makes this David to be elder brother of William, and calls him Master of Drummond. V.G. C^) At this date he gave a receipt for part of her tocher to her father. {Scots Peerage, vol. ix, p. 19). Nevertheless it is stated in that work, vol. vii, p. 43, sub Perth, that Isabel's name does not occur on record as his wife. V.G. {^) He was contracted to Elizabeth, yst. da. of Andrew, 2nd Lord Gray, by his 1st wife, Jean, da. of Robert, styled Lord Keith, but this contract was discharged in Jan. 1 501/2. V.G.