Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/490

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472 DRUMMOND i.e. " Drummond of Cromlix," Barony [S.] [Drummond), cr. i6 Aug. 1686, with the ViscouNTCY of Strathallan [S.], which see. i.e. "Drummond OF Gillestoun," Barony [S.] {Drummond), cr. 14 Apr. 1685, with the ViscouNTCY of Melfort [S.]; see " Melfort," Earldom of[S.], cr. 1686. i.e. "Drummond of Riccartoun, Castlemains and Gilstoun," Barony [S.] {Drummond), cr. 12 Aug. 1686, with the Earldom of Melfort [S.], which see. DRUMMOND OF STOBHALL BARONY [G.B.] i. James Drummond (yorw^r/y, 1744-60, Lundin), , 3rd and yst. but only surv. s. and h. of James Lundin 'J97 {afterwards, 1760, Drummond, who, but for the n attainders of 171 6 and 1746 would have been Earl of 1800. p^^^j^ |-g_^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^j^j^^^ ^^ Rachel, 3rd and yst. da. of Thomas (Bruce), 7th Earl of Kincardine [S.], was b. 12 Feb. 1744, at Lundin House, in Largo, co. Fife. But for the attainders of 1716 and 1746 he would have been nth Earl of Perth. He entered the Army 1771, and served as Capt. 42nd Foot in the East Indies. In 1783 he obtained the restitution of Drummond Castle and other forfeited estates of the Earls of Perth. (*) He, being a Tory, was cr., 26 Oct. 1797, LORD PERTH, BARON DRUMMOND OF STOB- HALL, CO. Perth [G.B.]. He w., 3 i Mar. 1 7 8 5, at Edinburgh, Clementina, 4th da. of Charles (Elphinstone), loth Lord Elphinstone [S.], by Clementina, da. of John (Fleming), 6th Earl of Wigton [S.]. He d. s.p.m.s.,(^) 2 July 1800, in his 56th year, at Drummond Castle, when his Barony [G.B.] became extinct. He was bur. at Innerpeffray. M.I. Admon. June i8oi.('^) His widow, who was b. 28 Aug. 1749, d. 31 Aug. 1822, in Park Lane, Midx. Will pr. 1824. The representation of the Earldom of Perth, ^c. [S.], devolved on James Lewis Drummond, I2th titular Earl of Perth. See that dignity. i.e. "Drummond, Stobhall and Montefex," Barony [S.] {Drummond), said to have been cr. 1687 with a novodamus of the Earldom of Perth [S.]; see that Earldom, cr. 1605, sub the 4th Earl. (') This is said to have been through the influence of his fellow countryman, Henry Dundas, afterwards Viscount Melville. (•>) His only son, James Drummond, h. 16 Oct. 1791, d. v.p., 11 Aug. 1799, and was hur. at Innerpeffray. M.I. (") The Drummond estates, which had been so recently restored to the family in the male line, were left by him to his only surv. da. and h., who m. Lord Willoughby d'Eresby, and was maternal grandmother of Gilbert Henry (Heathcote- Drummond-Willoughby), ist Earl of Ancaster, who inherited them in 1888 on the death of his mother (widow of Baron Aveland), sua Jure Baroness Willoughby d'Eresby.