Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/493

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DUCIE 475 CO. Gloucester 1755-58. On 27 Apr. 1763, he was rr. BARON DUCIE OF TORTWORTH, co. Gloucester, with a spec, rem., faihng the heirs male of his body, to his nephews, Thomas Reynolds and Francis Reynolds respectively, in like manner. He d. unm.,at Nymsrield Park, co. Gloucester, 25 or 27 Dec. 1770, and was bitr. i Jan. 1771, at Tortworth, when the Barony of Ducie of Moreton {cr. ~j%d) became extinct.{^) Will pr. 5 Feb. 1771. II. 1770. 2. Thomas (Reynolds, rt_//^rw«r<3'j Reynolds-Moreton), Baron Ducie of Tortworth, nephew and h., according to the spec. lim. in the creation of that dignity. He was s. and h. of Francis Reynolds, of Strangways, in Manchester, co. Lancaster (M.P. for Lancaster 1745 till his death 8 Aug. 1773), by Elizabeth, sister of Matthew, the last Lord Ducie. He was b. at Strangways, 26 Oct., and bap. 26 Nov. I733> 3t Manchester; was an officer loth Dragoons, 1750-54; Capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards, 1755; Lieut. Col. Coldstream Foot Guards, 1762-71. By Act of Pari. 8 Mar. 1 77 1 he took the name and arms of Moreton. Clerk to theCrownof the County Palatine of Lancaster 1761-80. A Whig. He;«., 20 Feb. 1774, at Brotherton, co. York, Margaret, 2nd da. of Sir John Rams- den, 3rd Bart., of Byrom, by Margaret, da. and h. of William Norton, of Sawley. He d. of fever, 1 1 Sep. 1785, at his seat, Woodchester Park, co. Gloucester, and was /"//r. at Tortworth, aged 5 1 . Admon. Oct. 1785. His widow was bur. there 29 May 1786. M.I. Will pr. May 1786. III. 1785. 3. Francis (Reynolds-Moreton), Baron Ducie of Tortworth, only br. and h., according to the spec. lim. in the creation of that dignity. He was b. at Strangways, 28 Mar., and was bap. 25 June 1739, at Manchester; was an officer in the Royal Navy, and finally, 1762, Post Captain. He commanded the " Monarch " in Rodney's great victory over the French 12 Apr. 1782. M.P. (Whig) for Lancaster borough 1784-85. By Act of Pari. 1786 he took the name and arms of Moreton. F.S.A. 16 Dec. 1790. He ;«., istly, 10 Oct. 1774, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Mary, da. and coh. of Thomas Provis, of Charlton, near Shepton Mallet, Somerset. She d. early in May 1789, in Portman Sq., Marylebone. He ot., 2ndly, 18 Jan. 1791 (spec, lie), at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Sarah, widow of Robert Child, of Osterley Park, Midx., da. of Gilbert Jodrell, of Ankerwycke, by his ist wife, Mary, da. of W^illiam Craddock., of Hartforth in Gilling, co. York. She, who had no issue by him, was b. in Chancery Lane, 23 Sep., and bap. 19 Oct. 1741, at St. Andrew's, Holborn, (*) Henry Harris, writing 23 July 1748 to Henry Fox, speaks of "our Friend the old Baron Ducie," and applies to him the line " That best good man with the worst natur'd face." V.G.