Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/511

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DUFFERIN 493 of CO. Down 1808-31; Rep. Peer [I.] i820-36;(-') Militia A.D.C. to William IV 1830-36. He ;«., 15 Nov. 1801, Anne Dorothea, da. of Margaretta Amelia, it^oywr^ Viscountess Ferrard [I.], by John (Foster), 1st Baron Oriel of Ferrard. He d. s.p., at Ballyleidy House, co. Down, 8, and was bur. 16 Aug. 1836, at Killyleagh, aged 81. Will pr. Feb. 1837. His widow J. 28 Mar. 1865, in her 92nd year, at Glenghana, in Bangor, CO. Down.C") in. 1836. 3. Hans (Blackwood), Baron Dufferin and Clane- BovE, i^c. [I.], next surv. br. and h., b. Oct. 1758. M.P. for Killyleagh 1 799-1 800; Commissioner of Audit [I.] 1813-32. Hew;., istly, 19 June 1784, Mehetabel Hester, 2nd da. and coh. of Robert Temple, of Ten Hills, Boston, U.S.A., by Harriet, 4th da. of Lieut. Gen. William Shirley. She d. 7 Feb. 1798. He ;«., 2ndly, 8 July 1801, Elizabeth, 1st da. and coh. of William Henry Finlay, by Mary Anne, ist da. and coh. of William Stear, of Ginnets, co. Meath. He ^. 18 Nov. 1839, aged 81, at Ballyleidy House afsd.C^) His widow d. July 1843, aged 6^y at the seat of Stewart Keir, co. Antrim. IV. 1839. 4. Price (Blackwood), Baron Dufferin AND Clane- BOYE, <yc. [I.], 3rd() and yst., but ist surv. s. and h. by 1st wife, b. 6 May 1794, in Dublin; joined the Navy in i 808, and was in 1823 Capt. R.N. He m., 4 July 1825, at St. Geo., Han. Sq. (the bride being given away by H.R.H. the Duke of York), Helen Selina, ist da. of Thomas Sheridan, by Caroline Henrietta, da. of Col. James Callender, of Craig- forth, CO. Stirling, afterwards Sir James Campbell, Bart., of Ardkinglas. He d. from an overdose of morphine, on board the steamer " Reindeer,' off Belfast, 21 July 1841, aged 47. Will pr. Sep. 1841.0 His widow m., 13 Oct. 1862, at Dufferin Lodge, Highgate, Midx., George Hay, styled Earl of Gifford (s. and h. ap. of the Marquess of Tweeddale [S.]), who (^) He followed Wellington in his change of policy about Cath. Emancipa- tion. "A choleric yet kind-hearted gentleman, with a reputation for courage and humanity." (Lyall's Life, ut supra). V.G. C') The Hon. Mrs. Ward, her husband's niece, says of her that " All her ideas [were] rigid and narrow." V.G. (■=) It is recorded of him that he had "a magnificent capacity for carrying deep potations without exhibiting the slightest discomposure of mind or body." (Lyall's Lifi). V.G. (^) His eldest br., Robert Blackwood, was an officer in the 52nd, and was severely wounded at Badajoz, "where he lay for hours among the dead and dying." He was killed by a round shot in 18 15, at Waterloo. The 2nd br. died of a fever, at Naples. V.G. (^) A " thorough sailor, frank and open, the soul of honour, with the kindest heart I ever knew." (The Hon. Mrs. VVard). His son remembered him as "pre- maturely grey-haired, with a thin face, short in stature, but very strongly made." V.G.