Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/517

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DUFFUS 499 ness, aged 76, when the Baronetcy [S.] became dormant.i^) By his death the issue male of the grantee of the Barony of Duffus [S.], and probably therefore the dignity itself (if so limited), became extinct. DULEEK See " Bellew of Duleek., co. Meath," Barony [I.] {Believe), cr. 1686; extinct 1770. DUMBARTON see DUNBARTON DUMBLANE see DUNBLANE DUMFERMLINE see DUNFERMLINE DUMFRIES EARLDOM [S.] i. William (Crichton), Lord Crichton of San- , ^ QUHAR [S. 1488], s. and h. of William C, Tutor of ■ ' ^■^' Sanquhar, by Katherine Carmichael, which William was 5th s. of William, 5th Lord Crichton of SanquharjC") sue. to that title 29 June 16 12, on the death of his cousin Robert, the 8th Lord (who was hanged for murder), to whom he was served h. i 5 July 1619. He was, by patent dat. at Newmarket 2 Feb. 1621/2, irr. LORD OF SANQUHAR and VISCOUNT OF AIR [S.], and was by a subsequent patent dat. at Dunglass 12 June 1633, ^^- LORD CRICHTON OF SANQUHAR AND CUMNOCK,(') VISCOUNT OF AIR and EARL OF DUMFRIES [S.], with a spec. rem. (as to this last creation) to heirs male bearing the name and arms of Crichton. He »;., istly, Eupheme, widow of Patrick Hamilton of Peel of Livingston, da. of James Seton, of Touch. He m., 2ndly, before 16 July 1630, Ursula, widow of Sir Robert Swift, of Rotherham, and da. of Stephen Barnham. She ^. before him, 28 May 1632, at Doncaster, and was bur. at Rotherham. He d. apparently between 15 Aug. 1642 and 24 Mar. 1643. Admon. 12 Feb. 1658/9. (*) It so remained for over 20 years. See Complete Baronetage, vol. iv, p. 443. The family estates, belonging in 1883 to Benjamin DufiF, nephew and h. of hne, and father of the present (1916) Baronet, consisted of 26,880 acres in co. Caithness, worth £iifi:^SP-o- V.G. (*>) He purchased the estate of Ryhill in 1606, which has led to his being sup- posed, in error, to have been s. and h. of John C. of Ryhill, also Tutor of Sanquhar, who was probably 3rd s. of the 3rd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar. V.G. (■=) Both the properties commemorated in this title, vix. the barony of Sanquhar, CO. Dumfries, and the barony and burgh of Cumnock, co. Ayr, he was compelled some 4 years later, 19 Dec. 1637, by embarrassment, to sell to William (Douglas), 1st Ear! of Queensberry. V.G.