Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/519

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DUMFRIES 501,0 13 Nov. i-jbo,hesuc. him as 4th EARL OF STAIR, i^fc. [S.]. He ;«., istly, 2 Apr. 1731, Anne, da. of William (Gordon), 2nd Earl of Aberdeen [S.], by his ist wife, Mary, da. of David (Leslie), Earl of Leven and Melville [S.]. She, who was b. 17, and l^ap. 26 Jan. 1708/9, at Methlic, J. at Edinburgh, and was h(r. i 5 Apr. 1755, in Cumnock Church, CO. Ayr. Funeral entry in Lyon office. He w., 2ndly, 1 9 June 1 762, at Ayr, Anne, da. of William Duff, of Crombie, advocate, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Robert Dalrymple, of North Berwick. He d s.p.s., 27 July 1768, at Dumfries House, co. Ayr, when the Earldom of Stair, and the titles [S.] he had inherited therewith, devolved on his cousin and h. male. See that dignity. His widow }>!., 19 or 26 July 1769, at Edinburgh, the Hon. Alexander Gordon, a Lord of Session [S.] 1788-92, under the style of Lord Rock- ville (Rockville being his estate in co. Haddington), who J. 13 Mar. 1792, in his 53rd year. She d. 21 Aug. 18 11, at Brandsbury, aged 73. [William Crichton, styles/ Lord Crichton, only s. and h. ap. by ist wife, i>. 12 Dec. 1734. He c/. v.p., in his loth year, at school in Maryle- bone, Midx., 9 Sep. 1744.] VI. 1768. 6. Patrick (Macdowall-Crichton), Earl OF Dum- fries, isfc. [S.], nephew and h. of line, being s. and h. of John Macdowall,() of Freugh, co. Wigton, by Elizabeth, eldest sister of William, the 5th Earl. He was k 15 Oct. 1726; was an officer in the 3rd Foot Guards, 1762; Grand Master of Freemasons [S.] 1771-73. Rep. Peer [S.] i 790-1 803. He m., 12 Sep. 1771, Margaret, da. of Ronald Crauford, of Restalrig, co. Edinburgh. She d. In Upper Grosvenor Str., Midx., 5 May 1799, of cramp in the stomach. He d. s.p.m., 7 Apr. 1803, in his 77th year, in Charlotte Sq., Edinburgh. VII. 1803. 7. John (Stuart, afterwards Crichton-Stuart), Earl of Dumfries [1633], Viscount Air [1622 and 1633], Lord Crichton of Sanquhar [1488], Lord Sanquhar [1622], and Lord Crichton of Sanquhar and Cumnock [1633], all in the peerage of Scotland, grandson and h. of line, being s. and h. of John Stuart, styled Viscount Mount Stuart, by Elizabeth Penelope, only surv. da. of Patrick, 6th Earl of Dumfries, i^c. [S.], and Margaret, his wife next abovenamed, which Elizabeth d. v.p., 25 July 1797, in her 25th year. He was b. 10 Aug. 1793, at Mount Stuart, and by royal lie, 26 Aug. 1805, took the name of Crichton before that of Stuart. By the death of his paternal grandfather, 16 Nov. 18 14, he sue. as 2nd MARQUESS OF BUTE, ^c. See "Bute," Marquessate of {cr. 1796), with which this Earldom then became and still (19 16) continues united. (*) Under the novodamus of 1 706/7, see note iuh iv Earl of Stair. C") An account of this family is in Nisbet's Heraldry, Appendix II, pp. 250-256.