Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/521

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DUNALLEY 503 Tipperary i 840. He w;., 10 May 1841, at Shanbally Castle, Anne Maria Louisa, da. of Cornelius (O'Callaghan), ist Viscount Lismore of Shan- bally [I.], by Eleanor, da. of John (Butler), Earl of Ossory and Ormonde [I.]. She, who was b. 12 Dec. 181 1, d. 6 July 1867, at Kilboy. He d. suddenly, 10 Sep. 1885, ^^ Kilboy, aged 78. IV. 1885. 4. Henry O'Callaghan (Prittie), Baron Dun- alley OF Kilboy [1.], only s. and h., b. 21 Mar. 1851, in Dawson Str., Dublin; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin. Coll. Cambride;e, B.A. 1872; sometime Lieut. Rifle Brigade; Sheriff of co. Tipperary 1883; Rep. Peer [I.] 1891 (Conservative); Lord Lieut, of co. Tipperary 1905. He m.^ 22 Aug. 1876, in the parish church of Welwyn, Herts, Mary Frances, da. of Lieut. Gen. Reginald Onslow Farmer (Royal Artillery), of Mortlake, Surrey, by Geraldine, da. of Capt. Farrell, R.A. [Henry Cornelius O'Callaghan Prittie, ist s. and h. ap., b. 19 July 1877. He fought in the great European War, 19 14 — , as Capt. Rifle Brigade. (^) He w., 19 June 19 11, at Trinity Church, Sloane Str., Chelsea, Beatrix Evelyn, 2nd da. of James Noble Graham, D.L., of Carfin and Stonebyres, co. Lanark, by Jean Rose Fraser Lovett, da. of William Lochiel Lovett-Cameron. She was b. 23 Dec. 1877.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 21,081 acres in co. Tipperary, worth ;^7,i62 a year. Principal Residence. — Kilboy, near Nenagh, co. Tipperary. DUNAMORE i.e. " Sheffield of Dunamore, co. Meath," Barony [I.] {Sheffield)^ cr. 1781. See "Sheffield," Earldom of [I.], cr. 1816. DUNBARC) afterwards (1290-1435) MARCH [Observations. — The origin of this dignity as a Scottish Earldom is extremely obscure. The grantee of the lands of Dunbar {circ. 1072) has often been considered as the first Earl, though his age (he was b. 1040-48) makes it most unlikely that he could have survived to a period when Scottish (*) His brother, Francis Reginald Dennis Prittie, also fought as Capt. Rifle Brigade (mentioned in Despatches, Legion of Honour), and was killed Dec. 1 91 4. For a list of peers and sons of peers who served in this war, see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G. () See "Earldom of March (anciently Dunbar) until 1433," by Alexander Sinclair, in the Her. and Gtn., vol. vi, pp. 289-31 1, and see three articles by " Anglo- Scotus," viz. two in the Her. and Gen., vol. v, pp. 243-250, and vol. vii, pp. 36-41, and one in A'^. and Q., 3rd Ser., vol. xii, p. 231. See also Surtees' Durham, and, more especially, see Stodart's Scottish Arms, 188 1, vol. ii, pp. 6-18; as also an able article, by Capt. A. H. Dunbar, on these Earls (with pedigree) in the Proceedings of the Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. xxii, p. 187, from which last, as well as from his own