Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/530

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5^2 DUNBAR The Earldom of Dunbar, though its devolution is known, and though it unquestionably continued until after 1689, was never assumed after the death of the grantee. The de jure Earls were as follows. XII. 161 1. 2. John (Home), Earl of Dunbar [S.], next elder br. and {more Scotko) h., being 3rd s. of his father above- named, infeft as h. 161 1, but sue. to none of the estates. He m. Christian CocKBURN. He was living 23 Aug. 1628, but d. s.p.m.(^) The Lord Advocate's cert, of 6 Aug. 1634 states that the Earldom descended to him, but that he, "conceiving his fortune too mean, forbore to assume the dignity." XIII. 1630 . 3. George (Home), de jure Earl of Dunbar [S.], nephew and h., being ist s. and h. of Alexander H., of Manderston, by Christian, da. of Sir Alexander Erskine, of Gogar, which Alexander Home was eldest br. of the ist Earl, but d. in his lifetime, between May 1608 and Aug. 16 10. He »;., istly, Isobel Home. She d. between May 1608 and Aug. 16 10. He m., 2ndly (cont. 14 Aug.), 4 Sep. 1 6 10, at Holyrood, Helen, widow of Isaac Morison, baillie of Edinburgh, below mentioned, da. of Sir John Arnot, of Berswick, Pro- vost of Edinburgh. On 22 June 1620 she obtained a decree of ad- herence against him. On 6 Aug. 1634 the Lord Advocate [S.] certified that the Earldom "lawfully descended" to him as collateral h. male. He d. between 1637 and 1651. XIV. 1650.? 4. Sir Alexander Home, s. and h. by ist sometime in the service of the Princess of Orange at the Hague. To him, on 6 May 1651, Charles II confirmed the Earldom of Dunbar [S.], setting out that "he well deserved more than a bare con- firmation of what in so much right belongs to him." He w., in 1616, after 27 Mar. and about Dec, Margaret, da. of Isaac Morison, before mentioned, merchant of Edinburgh. He d. s.p.m., 1675. XV. 1675. 5- and h. Alexander Home, of Manderston afsd., nephew , being ist s. and h. of George H., which George was next yr. br. of the whole blood to the late Earl, but d. v.f. He was served h. to his father 24 Sep. 1663. Capt. of a troop of horse in the service of the States of Holland. To him, 14 Oct. 1689, William III confirmed the Earldom of Dunbar [S.], exemplifying the previous confirmation thereof by Charles II. The family is said to have resided in Holland, and to have there be- come extinct in the male line during the 17th century.() (») His da. Nicola m. Robert Dickson, of Stanefauld. V.G. C") In 1776 John Home, of the family of Wedderburn, descended from the eldest br. of Alexander Home (grandfather of the ist Earl of Dunbar), was retoured h. male