Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/533

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DUNBAR 515 {titular) 3 1 Dec. 1725. He d. s.p., at Avignon, in Aua;. 1 770, aged about 80.0 II. 1770. 2. David Murray, nephew and h., under the spec, rem., sue. his father as Viscount Stormont 23 July 1748, sue. his uncle James, as titular Earl of Dunbar, &c., Aug. 1770, and sue. his uncle William, as Earl of Mansfield, 20 Mar. 1793, all of which titles have ever since remained united. C") DUNBARTON EARLDOM [S.] i. Lord George Douglas, 5th s. of William, ist , , Marquess of Douglas [S.], being his 2nd s. by his 2nd '^' wife, Mary, da. of George (Gordon), 1st Marquess of HuNTLY [S.], was b. about 1635; was Page of Honour to Louis XIV, King of France, and, serving in several of the French campaigns, became Major Gen. in his army; Col. of the ist Foot 1665-88. He was cr., 9 Mar. 1674/5, EARL OF DUNBARTON and LORD DOUGLAS OF ETTRICK [S.]. In 1685 he commanded the Scots forces which defeated the invading army on behalf of Monmouth, under the Earl of Argyll. Gent, of the Bedchamber 1687-88. He was nom., 29 May 1687, K.T., being one of the eight original Knights of that Order.(') When James Il'was ejected from Whitehall (18 Dec. 1688), he was one of the four Peers who accompanied him to Rochester.('^) He ;«. Anne, sister of the Duchess of Northumberland, and da. of Robert W^heatley, of Bracknell, Berks. She d- 25 Apr. 1691, at St. Germain-en-Laye. He d. there 20 Mar. 169 1/2. Both were bur. in the Abbey of St. Germain des Pr6s. His admon. 23 Feb. 1709/10. II. 1692 2. George (Douglas), Earl of Dumbarton and to Lord Douglas of Ettrick. [S.], s. and h., b. about 1749. Apr. 1687.0 Lieut. Col. in Dutiourgay's Foot in the British service, 1715, and was Envoy to the Czar oi Muscovy, Apr. 1716. Having been long absent from England, he was titular King, James III, on whom the two were for a long time in constant atten- dance. In correspondence, 1736-7, with the Duke of Ormonde, Earl Marischal, and others, they are often referred to as " par ignobile." V.G. {') He is erroneously stated, in Hist. Reg., to have d. 6 Oct. 1728, at Naples. C") For the Jacobite Peerage see vol. i, Appendix F. {') See a list of these Knights, vol. i, p. 316, note " c," sub Atholl. C^) The three others were the Earls of Ailesbury and Lichfield [E.], and the Earl of Arran, afterwards Duke of Hamilton [S.]. V.G. (*) In Oct. 1704, when aged about 17, he was contemplating becoming a monk, and Queen Mary (of Modena) wrote to him at that date, recommending mature deliberation before taking such a step. [Stuart Papers). V.G.