Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/545

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DUNDONALD 527 Catherine, 2nd da. of John (Kennedy), 6th Earl of Cassillis [S.], by his 1st wife, Jean, 5th da. of Thomas (Hamilton), ist Earl of Haddington. She was bur. 15 Feb. 1 699/1 700 in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh. He d. v.p., at Paisley, 25 Aug., and was bur. 25 Sep. 1679, in Dundonald Church.(*) Fun. entry at Lyon office.] II. 1686. 2. John (Cochrane), Earl of Dundonald, ^c. [S.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of William Cochrane, styled Lord Cochrane, and Catherine, his wife, abovenamed. Ed. at Glasgow Univ. Dec. 1676. He, who was styled ho-^T) Cochrane 1679-86, m., in 1684 (cont. 13-17 Nov.), Susan, 3rd da. of William (Hamilton, formerly Douglas), Duke of Hamilton [S.], by Anne, suo jure Duchess of Hamilton [S.]. He d. 16, and was bur. 29 May 1690, in Dundonald Church. Will pr. 17 Sep. 1732. Fun. entry at Lyon office. His widow m. Charles (Hay), 3rd Marquess of Tweeddale [S.], who d. 17 Dec. 1 71 5. She d. 7 Feb. 1736/7, at Edinburgh. III. 1690. 3. William (Cochrane), Earl of Dundonald, i^c. [S.], s. and h., who, ^'./»., was styled Lord Cochrane. He d. unm., 22 Nov. 1705, at Paisley, aged 19. Fun. entry at Lyon office. IV. 1705. 4. John (Cochrane), Earl of Dundonald, i^c. [S.], br. and h.; b. at Paisley 4 July 1687; ent. Glasgow Univ. aged 14; a minor at the election of Scottish Rep. Peers, 17 June 1708, when his votes were, consequently, set aside. Rep. Peer [S.], 1713-14 (Tory). Col. of the 4th Horse Guards, 171 5-19. He ?«., istly, 4 May 1706, at Cramond, Anne, 2nd da. of Charles (Murray), ist Earl of Dunmore [S.], by Catherine, da. of Richard Watts. She, who was b. at Whitehall, 31 Oct. 1687, d. of smallpox, 30 Nov. 17 10, at Paisley. He m., 2ndly, 15 Oct. 17 1 5, Mary, widow of Henry (Somerset), Duke of Beaufort, and yst. da. of Peregrine (Osborne), 2nd Duke of Leeds, by Bridget, da. and h. of Sir Thomas Hyde, Bart. He d. 5 June 1720, aged nearly t^t,. His widow, who was b. 14, and bap. 21 Aug. 1688, at North Mimms, Herts, d. s.p., in Scotland, 4 Feb. ijii/i. Will dat. 3 Feb. 172 1/2, pr. 2 May 1722, V. 1720. 5. William (Cochrane), Earl of Dundonald, i^c. [S.], only s. and h. by ist wife, b. 1708. He, who v.p. was styled Lord Cochrane, d. unm., 27 Jan. 1724/5, in his 17th year.C*) Will pr. 3 June 1725. (*) An absurd accusation was in 1684 brought against his father of keeping for him, when dying, a chaplain who prayed for the success of the rebels in the west. C") Of his sisters and coheirs, Anne, the eldest, was mother of James, 6th Duke of Hamilton [S.], who sue. to the unentailed part of the Dundonald property. He and the heirs of his body would, apparently, in the event of failure of tlie heirs male of the body of the grantee, be entitled to the Earldom of Dundonald, ^c, under the spec. rem. in the grant of its creation.