Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/554

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536 DUNGANNON lo Jan. i669/70,(*) at Dundalk, and was bur. at Clondallon, aged 51. Fun. ent. II. 1670. 2. Lewis (Trevor), Viscount DuNGANNON, Cffc. [I.], s. and h.,() by 2nd wife. He did not sit in the Pari. [I.] of James II, 7 May i689.() He d. probably unm., and certainly s.p.m.s., in Spring Gardens, Midx., and was bur. at Kensington, 3 Jan. 1692. III. 1692 3. Mark or Marcus (Trevor), Viscount Dun- to GANNON, and Baron Trevor of Rose Trevor [I.], br. and 1706. h., b. 1669, in Dundalk; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 27 Mar. 1686, aged 16; admitted to the Inner Temple 1688. Took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 27 Aug. 1695. Col. of a regt. of Foot 1704-06. He m. (lie. 2 May 1700) Arabella Susanna, widow of Sir John Magill, Bart. [I. 1680], da. of Hugh (Hamilton), ist Baron Hamilton of Glenawly [1.], by Susanna, da. of Sir "William Balfour, of Pitcullo, CO. Fife. He d. s.p.m.., of the "spotted fever" at Alicante,('*) in Spain, 8 Nov. 1706, aged 37, when all his honours became extinct. Admon. (») Cal. State Papers Dom., 1 67 1. V.G. () There were two sons by the 1st wife: Arthur, d. 9, and was bur. 11 June 1 66 1, at St. Audoen's, Dublin; Marcus, matric. at Trin. Coll., Dublin, as Fellow Commoner, 10 June 1661, aged i6, M.P. for co. Down Nov. 1665 to Aug. 1666, d. at Rose Trevor, 3 June 1669, and was hur. at Clondallon. Frances Whitechurch, (i'. =: Mark, ist Viscount Dungannon, = Anne Lewis, </. 9 Feb. 1655/6. I d. 10 Jan. 1669/70. Oct. 1692. i i r Arthur, i. c. Marie, i. 1645, Edward, /^ar. 5 Mar. Lewis, 2nd Viscount, in ward 1 644, fi'. 9 June <«'. 3 June 1669. 1665/6, at St. Au- to his mother in 1672 (see 1661. doen's, Dublin. Cal. S. P. Dom.). I : ITT" John, ^.in Dublin, 1668; matric. at Oxford Mark, 3rd Viscount, b. i da. and (Ch. Ch.) 27 Mar. 1686, aged 17; shot 1669; d. s.p.m., 8 Nov. 2 sons, d. by his brother Mark, 3 1 Dec. 1687. 1706. young. Although the father of John and Mark Trevor is described in their matric. (Foster's Alumni Oxoniemii) as "armiger," I think these must be sons of Lord Dungannon. As the 2nd Viscount was apparently a minor in Oct. 1672, unless he was non compos mentis, being under the guardianship of his mother, it is just barely possible that he was the father of the 3rd Viscount, but the above pedigree seems much more probable. Mark, the son of the ist Viscount's ist marriage, d. 3 June 1669, and the other Mark, son of the 2nd marriage, was probably born soon afterwards. The only Mark Trevor in Dublin or Dundalk 1668-69 that I can find is the Ist Viscount Dungannon. (G. D. Burtchaell). V.G. if) For a list of peers present in and absent from this Pari., see vol. iii. Appen- dix D. V.G. (^) "Contracted, no doubt, with drinking after his fashion." V.G.