Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/565

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DUNRAVEN 547 DUNRAVEN AND MOUNT-EARLO EARLDOM [I.] I- Richard QuiNjC) s. and h. of Windham (■=) Q., , „^ of Adare, co. Limerick {d. Apr. 1789), by Frances, da. of Richard Dawson, of Dawson's Grove, CO. Monaghan, was b. 30 July 1752; matric. at Oxford (Magd. Coll.) 31 May 1769; cr. a Baronet 8 June 1781 ; M.P. for Kilmallock 1 799-1 800. On 31 July i8oo,() he was cr. BARON ADARE of Adare [1.], and took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] the next day. He was sulasequently, 5 Feb. 1 8 16, cr. VISCOUNT MOUNT-EARL [I.], and, finally, 5 Feb. 1822, VISCOUNT ADARE, and EARL OF DUNRAVEN (') and (*) Arms granted by Sir Richard Carney, Ulster, to Thady Quin, Esq., of Limerick, 29 Nov. 1688: Vert, a pegasus passant Ermine, a chief Or. Creit: A wolf 's head erased Ermine. Motto: "Quae sursum volo videre." Supporters granted to Richard Quin, Baron Adare, 31 July 1800: Dexter, a wolf proper collared Sable, chained Or; sinister, a wolf Ermine, frett}' Or, collared Sable and chained of the second. Supporters granted ig Jan. 1822: Two ravens with wings elevated proper, collared and chained Or. Arms granted 20 Dec. 1862: Quarterly, ist and 4th, Vert, a pegasus passant Ermine, a chief Or; 2nd and 3rd, Gules, a hand couped below the wrist grasping a sword proper, on each side a serpent, tail nowed, the heads respecting each other, Or, quartered with Wyndham, Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased Or, a mullet for difference. Arms granted 2 July 1876: The arms of Quin granted 1688 were discontinued, and 2nd coat of Quin quartered with Wyndham. Arms granted 12 June 1897: 1st and 4th, Quin (as in 2nd and 3rd quarter of grant of 1862); 2nd and 3rd, Wyndham as before. Crests: ist, a wolf's head erased Argent, for Quin; 2nd, a lion's head erased within a fetterlock and chain Or, for Wyndham. V.G. C") Some account of the families of O'Quin or Quin is in the Her. and Gen., vol. iii, pp. 490-498, in a review of the Memorials of Adare Manor. His name is given as " Richard " in all the patents creating him Baronet, Baron, Viscount, and Earl. In Debrett's P^^ra^^' and elsewhere his name is given as "Valentine Richard." (') The christian name of " JV'tndham " given to him (as well as to his 2nd son and to his grandson, the 2nd Earl) possibly represented that of '■'■ Widenham" ; his mother having been a coh. of the family of Widenham, of the Court, co. Limerick. The marriage of the 2nd Earl with the heiress of Wyndham of Dunraven, in 1810, appears to be the first connection of that family with the race of Quin. (■*) This was one of the 16 Baronies [I.] created that day, for a list of which see vol. iii. Appendix H. He bought 2 seats for himself and a nominee, with a view to supporting the Union, a few months before that Act was passed. " His object is to be created a Baron " is the terse comment of Lord Cornwallis, who, as now appears from his private correspondence, longed " to kick " many of those whom he had officially to recommend for reward. V.G. (') The title of " Dunraven " was in honour of the possession of his son's wife, the heiress of Dunraven Castle, co. Glamorgan. See a similar instance of a peerage title taken from the estate of a da. -in-law, when, in 1616, Lord Chancellor Eilesmere was cr. Viscount Brackley, vol. ii, p. 271, note "d." See also Earl Ferrers.