Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/567

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DUNRAVEN 549 of Painstown, co. Meath. She d. 22 Nov. 1866, at 5 Buckingham Gate, Midx. He ?«., 2ndly, 27 Jan. 1870, in the Rom. Cath. Church, Warwick Str., Pimlico, Anne, da. of Henry Lambert, of Carnagh, co. Wexford, sometime M.P. for that county, by Catherine, yst. da. of William Talbot, of Castle Talbot, co. Wexford. He d. 6 Oct. 1871, aged 59, at the Imperial Hotel, Great Malvern, co. Worcester.(^) Will pr. 11 Jan. 1872, under /^ 100,000, in England. C") His widow w., as his 2nd wife, 26 Apr. 1879, at Rome, Hedworth Hylton (Jolliffe), 2nd Baron Hylton, who d'. 31 Oct. 1899. S'^^ ^^^ living 19 16. IV. 1871. 4. Windham Thomas (Wyndham-Quin), Earl of DuNRAVEN AND MoUNT-EaRL [i822]; ViSCOUNT MoUNT- Earl [18 1 6], Viscount Adare [1822] and Baron Adare [1800], in the peerage of Ireland, also Baron Kenry [U.K. 1866], only s. and h., l>. 12 Feb. 1 841, at Adare Manor; styled Viscount Adare 1850-71 ; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 20 Oct. 1858; Lieut, ist Life Guards 1865-67; served in Abyssinia 1867; A.D.C. to the Lord Lieut, of Ireland 1868; K.P. 7 Aug. 1872, inv. 13 May 1876; proved his right to vote at the election of Rep. Peers [I.] 29 Apr. 1873; Under Sec. for the Colonies, 1885-86 and 1886-87; Member of the L.C.C. for Wandsworth 1895-99; Lord Lieut, of CO. Limerick 1896; P.C. [I.] 2 Mar. 1899; served in the S. African War, 1900-01 ;(") C.M.G. 25 Nov. 1902. He served in the great Euro- pean War, 1914 — , as Commander R.N.V.R.^^) A Conservative. (*) He w., 29 Apr. 1869, Florence Elizabeth, 2nd da. of Lord Charles Lennox Kerr (s. of the 6th Marquess of Lothian), by Charlotte Emma, da. of Col. Thomas Hanmer. She was b. 23 Oct. 1841. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 24,000 acres in England, worth about ;/,'24,ooo a year (formerly Wyndham property), and about 15,000 in Ireland (formerly Quin property) worth about /, 1 1,000 a year; viz. 23,752 acres in co. Gloucester and 537 in co. Glamorgan, besides 14,298 in co. Limerick, 1,005 "^ *^°- Kerry and 164 in co. Clare. Total, 39,756 acres, worth /^35,478 a year. Principal Residences. — Adare Manor, co. Limerick; Dunraven Castle, co. Glamorgan, and Kenry House, Putney Vale, Surrey. (*) He became a Rom. Cath. in 1855. For a list of peers and peeresses who have joined this faith since 1850, see vol. iii. Appendix G. V.G. C") He was a great archsologist and antiquary, and of repute for his Celtic and mediaeval knowledge. He was also a believer in spiritualism, and assisted D. D. Home at his stances. G.E.C. and V.G. (') For a list of peers and heirs ap. of peers who served in this war, see vol. iii, Appendix B. {^) For a list of peers and sons of peers who served in this war, see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G. (') He is one of the numerous peers who are or have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C. V.G.